What if the “psy-war” the young Kissinger was captivated by is still ongoing? "... Psy-war derived from the wartime Office of Strategic Services and wa
A review of Citizen Coke: The Making of Coca-Cola Capitalism, by Bartow J. Elmore Since my fellow citizens and I in Berkeley recently approved a tax on s
"... IG Farben went on to build a plant at Auschwitz so massive that it consumed more electricity per day than Berlin. ..." How a company whose Nobel-winni
"... The Soviets had found out about a plot to kill Kennedy. Fearing they would be blamed for the murder, they hired Nagell to infiltrate the plot and stop
How Ronald Reagan turned America into a nation of children A new book on the rise of modern conservatism argues that Reagan's rhetoric infantilized our pol
November 6, 2013 Gabriele D'Annunzio visited England in February 1914. True to form, he used his time here to cheer on the slaughter of some terrified inn
The rise and fall of a small but threatening Nazi movement Everyone is familiar with Adolf Hitler and the rise and fall of Nazi Germany. Few remember tha
Photo: Usurper: Gen. Augusto Pinochet talks to an attendee at a military school parade in Santiago, Chile, on Aug. 23, 1997. | BLOOMBERG Oct 12, 2013 STOR
THE BROTHERS: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War Author: Stephen Kinzer Publisher: Times Books Number of pages: 416 pp. Book pric
Uncovered: new evidence of Jewish movie moguls’ extensive collaboration with Nazis in the 1930s June 10, 2013 Adolf Hitler loved American movies. Every
Review of "Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World," by Adam LeBor. If you think the Bank for International Settlements
Since the late 1980s, ritual sexual abuse has largely disappeared from Utah's headlines, despite the occasional, hard-to-substantiate stories. I spent mont
April 13, 2013 Gayle L. Morrison takes a few moments to do some proofreading before she spends the afternoon with her adopted Hmong family. It's a chance
Stay alive if you can; survive to live on and hopefully recover some scraps of yourself afterwords. Remember you are an irreplaceable bearer of hidden histories.
It has been reported that there were 175 witnesses to the kennedy assassination that have been murdered by criminal factions in the FBI in the five years since this murder.
This man, Yockey, seems to be instrumental in channeling the energies of the defeated Nazis into Right wing networks in the Western world. Another good rundown on how Imperium fits into a larger web of postwar Nazi and anticommunist networks, is Martin Lee's The Beast Reawakens.
remember Connally got hit too. So did oswald reload that quickly? Nope. See book by emeregency room doctor in Dallas Charles Crenshaw. If so many people are discreditted as left-leaning, what does that make the rest of us? Nazis?
Stay alive if you can; survive to live on and hopefully recover some scraps of yourself afterwords. Remember you are an irreplaceable bearer of hidden histories.
It has been reported that there were 175 witnesses to the kennedy assassination that have been murdered by criminal factions in the FBI in the five years since this murder.
This man, Yockey, seems to be instrumental in channeling the energies of the defeated Nazis into Right wing networks in the Western world. Another good rundown on how Imperium fits into a larger web of postwar Nazi and anticommunist networks, is Martin Lee's The Beast Reawakens.
remember Connally got hit too. So did oswald reload that quickly? Nope. See book by emeregency room doctor in Dallas Charles Crenshaw. If so many people are discreditted as left-leaning, what does that make the rest of us? Nazis?