" ... Although Welch was interested in poetry and languages, his family’s bitterness over 'the lost cause of the Confederacy' nagged at him. How, he wo
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker won his election in 2010 on a promise to create 250,000 new jobs. To lead the effort, Walker created his flagship Wisconsin
Wisconsin governor Scott Walker said he is prepared to sign into law a 20-week abortion ban without any exceptions for victims of rape or incest, arguing
Two career prosecutors--one a Republican, one a Democrat--just called Scott Walker a liar, and not a single national newspaper took notice. The comments c
The Republican-run Legislature is poised to pass and Gov. Scott Walker has promised to sign a fast-tracked bill that would turn Wisconsin into a right-t
"... The Wisconsin Reporter’s smear piece on Burke quoted three GOP operatives who once worked for Trek Bicycle Corp., owned by Mary Burke’s Family. Al
Also see: "Secret audio nails Scott Walker! A humiliating suck-up to the Koch brothers," Salon, Aug. 28, 2014 "... Walker has, since his 2010 gubernatori
New court filings in a federal challenge to Wisconsin's John Doe campaign finance probe into Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker undermine claims from Wisconsi
By Alex Constantine Wisconsin Governor Walker, in his latest bout with disclosures concerning his staff's stealth wifi system, dismissed the e-mails at th
" ... In August, Walker also fired Steven Krieser from the Department of Transportation after Krieser compared illegal immigrants to Satan on Facebook. ...
Photo: Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner is the author of the Patriot Act — and an opponent of how it has been used to justify broad domestic spying powers. (Jim Wa
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Republican Party Field Director’s Arrest for Throwing Voter Registration Forms into a Dumpster in Virginia is Only th
" ... Walker collected $12.1 million between January 2011 and mid-January 2012. Fourteen of Walker’s top 20 donors are from outside of Wisconsin. ... " S
Highlights, Wisconsin State Journal, March 29, 2011: Leroy Gore ... The recall campaign against Sen. Joseph McCarthy ... was not launched by demonstrations