Two career prosecutors--one a Republican, one a Democrat--just called Scott Walker a liar, and not a single national newspaper took notice. The comments c
The Buying of Walker’s Wisconsin Why did out-of-state contributors give millions to Walker? By Lisa Kaiser Recently unsealed John Doe court documents s
By Alex Constantine Wisconsin Governor Walker, in his latest bout with disclosures concerning his staff's stealth wifi system, dismissed the e-mails at th
October 18, 2013 The crisis in Washington was always partly a story about money in politics, with big conservative donors pushing GOP lawmakers to an extr
“I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” -- Peter Thiel, April 13 2009 The Gay Billionaire Pothead Behind the Senate's New Righ
David Swanson News | 23 October 2010 While most of us Virginians don't feel we have a tight grip of control over our national government, Virg
" ... Look at the 'revolutionary' Republican agenda: borrowing another $4 trillion from China to, among other things, help provide permanent, $100,000 tax
By Michael Beckel OpenSecretsBlog | August 19, 2010 American Crossroads Filmmaker Bob Bowdon is a former Bloomberg anchor and reporter who now appears as a fictitious correspondent
January 17, 2010 (ChattahBox)—-A recent video uncovered by the blog Blue Mass Group, reveals Massachusetts Republican senatorial candidate Scott Brown t