" ... She was sentenced to 18 months in jail, but Circuit Court Judge Paul A. Hackner agreed to suspend the entire sentence and let her stay free. ... It i
11 JULY 2008 WWW.DAILY.PK On July 3, Chief Judge Vaughn Walker of the U.S. District Court in California made a ruling particularly worthy of the nation
http://www.progressive.org/mag_wxld061208 By Elizabeth DiNovella, June 12, 2008 Congress may be on the verge of giving phone companies retroactive immunit
How the New York Times Won 2004 for Bush May 20, 2008 LOS ANGELES--Should the news media be patriotic? When a journalist uncovers a government secret, whic
Former Qwest executive says the NSA approached his company to wiretap long before the September 11th attacksBy: Captain MaverickOct 15, 2007, 12:37 AM EDTF
" ... The administration is attempting to use the privilege as a back-door immunity to obtain dismissal of any case that attempts to put the NSA wiretappin
Also see:"THE CIA EYES THE INTERNET"Cyber attack fear used to expand spy gridBy Ashlee Vance in Mountain View27th January 2008Not content with spying on ot
usgovinfo.about.comFrom Alexander Graham Bell’s, "Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you," to that pizza order you just called in, the NSA is trying to
'Broader and Deeper' Surveillance http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/week_2007_12_16.php With the Senate set to move on a revised FISA bill, and the re
Haupt finds SAIC "most obvious," and "some of the real perpetrators of 9/11 are also hiding at SAIC." The San Diego engineering conglomerate is "controlled
By Alex Constantine (Updated)CTC'S EMINENCE GRIS - JOHN MURTHA:" ... Federal Earmarks Fill Coffers of Pa. Nonprofit - Politics – Concurrent Technologies
Edited by Alex Constantine"VeriSign Unveils Wiretapping Outsource Service"VeriSign has unveiled an outsourcing solution aimed at making it lessexpensive an
http://www.perrspectives.com/blog/archives/000705.htmAug. 5, 2007This past week, the Bush administration added insult to injury over its illegal program of
By Scott Shane and David Johnston International Herald Tribune July 29, 2007 WASHINGTON: A 2004 dispute over the National Security Agency's secret surveil
July 18, 2007 To some of his detractors, William Hamilton Martin was something of an amusing figure on the streets of Washington, D.C., in the 1960s, a b
July 1, 2007by David Swansonhttp://www.opednews.com[Is this bio a plug or or a caveat? Salt grain, please ... "DAVID SWANSON is a co-founder of After Downi
ZDNetMay 30th, 2007Despite the Bush administration’s firm stance on granting immunity to telephone companies, Congress hopes to raise the issue again to
Fenton Dawson of Affiliated Computer Services (ACS) died in the Comair crash. ACS was involved in the NSA's Project Groudbreaker (criminalized NSA program)