WRITTEN BY WWW.DAILY.PK 07 JUNE 2009 On Thursday, a suicide bomber walked into a mosque, detonated his explosives and killed and wounded almost 140 people
by Gary Cohn and Ginger Thompson Baltimore Sun 11 Jan 1995 Torture at CIA Battalion 316: The Record of Washington's New "Ambassador" to Iraq BATTALION 31
JEAN-GUY ALLARD www.granma.cu November 6, 2008 EMMANUEL "Toto" Constant, chief of a CIA-backed Haitian death squad that massacred, tortured and terrorized
Less Than Half the World Believes Al Qaeda Was Behind 9/11 AttacksSahilOnline, India16 September 2008:A poll of 16,000 people in 17 countries reveals the d
BY JEAN-GUY ALLARDAugust 1, 2008www.granma.cuROBERT Kent, owner of the Friends of Cuban Libraries organization, plans to be in Quebec City for the World Li
By Neil Mackay www.sundayherald.com/news July 26, 2008 MI5 HAS rebuilt the life of a "killer spy" who was the British Army's highest- ranking double agent
By Sarah Hamburger Council on Hemispheric Affairs June 26, 2008 http://www.alternet.org/story/89431/ Presidential hopeful John McCain is hiding a skeleton
By Alex Constantine (Most of this section was posted under the heading, ""Lexington Comair Crash (Part 39)" on January 11, 2007.) RAYTHEON, translation: "
Also see: "More Proof of US Government’s Dirty War against Cuba"• "Roundtable" program reveals new, irrefutable evidence of conspiracy between terroris
" ... on Monday, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner told the media, 'It’s bad news that the man we were talking to, with whom we had contacts has b
BY ORLANDO ORAMAS LEONPERIÓDICO 26 Eleven years after the signing of the peace accords in Guatemala, the new president, Alvaro Colom, has decided to open
Also see: "PERU: US Govt. Document Links President García to 1980s Death Squads"By CARLA SALAZARDecember 21, 2007LIMA, Peru (AP) — Former president Albe
Granma International "Miami: terrorists provoke aggression against pacifists demanding Posada’s arrest"BY JEAN-GUY ALLARD• MIAMI is undoubtedly the onl
Operation Condorhttp://www.mahalo.com/Operation_CondorThe Mahalo Top 7Wikipedia: Operation CondorWashington Post: An Assassination, A Failure to Act, A Pai
10/10/2007PMglobeandmail.com: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.OCTOBER 10, 2007LA PLATA, Argentina — A Catholic priest accused in a se
http://pinoypress.net/2007/07/30/enforced-disappearances-an-act-of-terror/ By Roland G.Simbulan July 30, 2007 MANILA — Extrajudicial killings and enforce
28 Jun 2007" ... [One witness] has already disappeared. The other witnesses are afraid of the situation here. They are afraid that the perpetrators will be