Photo: Colonel Jim Steele In 2004, with the war in Iraq going from bad to worse, the US drafted in a veteran of Central America's dirty wars to help set up
"Former dictator Jorge Videla [left] said earlier this year that those who ran the church at the time were accomplices to criminal acts carried out in a g
"... The notorious US/CIA funded Navy Mechanics School (ESMA) was where opponents (active or perceived) to the dictatorship were raped, tortured, murdered
A recently uncovered FBI 'primer' document on interrogation techniques cites manuals from the CIA's dark past. Bt Lisa Hajjar Al Jazeera, August 10, 2012
By Gale Courey Toensing Indian Country, February 24, 2012 Mongi Dhaouadi, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Connecticut
" ... Female political prisoners were kept alive during their pregnancies, only to be summarily killed after giving birth, often dropped alive and naked in
By toni solo, Scoop | March 4, 2011 ".....for now the thought Both of lost happiness and lasting pain Torments him : round he throws his baleful eyes, That
Holocaust Studies Led Sheila Polk, Yavapai County Attorney, to Publicly Condemn Andrew Thomas and Joe Arpaio, Magazine Opines By Ray Stern Phoenix New T
By Phil Davison Independent | December 24, 2010 When her daughter, son-in-law and baby granddaughter, Mariana, disappeared in Argentina in 1976, Uruguayan
WW4 Report January 16, 2011 A decade after the end of Peru's 1980-2000 counterinsurgency war was officially declared, the army broke its silence, to give i
Argentina's Dapper State Terrorist By Marta Gurvich The Consortium | December 29, 2010 (Originally published August 19, 1998) Editor's Note: On Dec. 22, Ar
by AQ Online Americas Quarterly | November 9, 2010 Navy Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera, a leader in Argentina’s military junta from 1976 to 1978, passed
[News Archives] By Nil Nikandrov | November 28, 2010 The media write a lot about the US aggressiveness in international politics, Washington's eff
By Chris Floyd | Pacific Free Press Ben Ehrenreich at the London Review of Books has written one of the best articles on the current situation in Mexico t
by Chris Floyd First published in Empire Burlesque on 15 July 2010 Perhaps this is America's answer to Washington's embarrassment over the Iranian scientis
" ... The general pardon would have affected more than 60 people currently serving prison sentences for human rights violations during General Pinochet’s
" ... The trial reflects Argentina's ongoing effort to resolve crimes of the 1976-1983 military junta, which human rights group believe killed as many as