By Helen A. Berger - Brandeis Now, May 27, 2022 Helen A. Berger is a resident Scholar at Brandeis University's Women's Studies Research Center. This arti
I happened to be in town when Franklin Graham, son of the famous evangelist Billy Graham, brought his “Decision America 2016” tour to the state capitol
Janyary 4, 2014 The notorious Cliven Bundy is back in the news, this time because two of his sons, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, have joined up with a terrorist g
Also see: "Satanist admits molesting 3 girls, recording it and distributing it" "'I Serve Darkness': Oregon Gunman Wrote About Obsession with Satan in Repo
Far-right Christians like Todd Starnes think their nation's in danger. You won't believe what they want to do next Over the past few years, America has bee
Integration of Church and State By George Howland Jr. Book Review - The Pope and Mussolini / By David I. Kertzer A scholar exposes the collaboration betw
By Alex Constantine"The Legend," as deceased Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle was widely known, was something of an adult Eric Cartman, a pathological liar wit
Mayor of Guatemalan town has made 'Jew registry,' ordered two Jewish families to leave. 'Their customs aren't like ours,' he insists. By Tova Dvorin Arutz
By Richard Griffin Wicked Local Cambridge, May. 4, 2014 In 1928, the year of my birth, the leader of the Catholic Church was Pope Pius XI. Before being el
The Rev Oscar Albeiro Ortiz was convicted in absentia last year for organising ruthless militia made up of former paramilitaries January 31, 2014 Colombia
Photo: Participants sing and pray at The Response, held in Houston, Texas, which governor Rick Perry attended. Photograph: David J. Phillip/AP On Septemb
" ... We are now told by American right-wingers that Nazism learned racism from Darwinism. This is improbable. Bavaria was saturated in Catholicism, not Da