Monsanto will pay nearly $2.4 million to soft white wheat growers and wheat organizations to settle litigation over an unauthorized release of biotech whe
By JOYCE NELSON Finally, a little-known aspect of the crisis in Ukraine is receiving some international attention. On July 28, the California-based Oakl
According to new information from the Organic Consumers Association, Monsanto is partnering with media conglomerate Condé Nast to help spread its messa
A newly-released statement from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) declares that the drug (not a true food additive) aspartame is "safe." I suspect
Related: "Genetically Modified BACTERIA Used to Make NutraSweet" Heard the saying, "you are what you eat"? Well, brace yourself. Aspartame, the junk fo
Photo: Approximately 75 people participated in March Against Monsanto Windsor-Essex County, that was part of a world wide day of protest against the agricu
Anonymously added to a recent budget bill, the controversial rider would protect U.S. biotech companies from litigation if their GMO seeds turn out to be d
Photo: GMO protestors march along Kamehameha Avenue in Hilo. Photo by Nate Gaddis. Hundreds of Big Island residents took part in a “March to Evict Monsan
" ... Diet soda drinkers were found to be at the highest risk for depression. The researchers have no explanation for this connection, but the study adds t
Many farmers have decided to forego growing corn and soybeans due to the "inevitable contamination that will result". By Charlotte Silver Aljazeera, Januar
" ... The end result is a fusion between two of the largest health hazards to ever hit the food industry -- artificial sweeteners and an array of genetica
Mitt Romney, Monsanto Man By Wayne Barrett The Investigative Fund, September 13, 2012 In his Bain years, the GOP nominee helped fashion Monsanto into a bio
By Dana Hull and Matt O'Brien San Jose Mercury News, November 6, 2012 Proposition 37, which would have required labeling of genetically modified foods,
By Anne Sewell Digital Journal, October 7, 201 Washington – Vernon Hugh Bowman, a 74-year-old soybean farmer, will have his day in court against Monsant