By Gavin Engelbrecht | The Northern Echo | 28th April 2010 A TEENAGER facing terror charges has admitted researching how to make an electromagnetic pulse b
By James Lawton | The Independent | 23 April 2010 Football lovers need to be warned. They may have a problem with Catrine Clay's Trautmann's Journey, the b
by Tom Duffy | Formby Times | Mar 24 2010 THE STORY of Frank Maclardy, the Formby chemist who fought for the Waffen SS in World War II, has been resurrect
" ... He sends vile racist texts saying 'Gas the Jews and the wogs' ... " By Gary Anderson Mirror | 14/03/2010 A £90,000-a-year housing boss leads a sor
Efraim Zuroff 28 September 2009 The sight of SS veterans marching down the main avenue of the capital city of a member of Nato and the Euro
August 18, 2009 Last month's Channel 5 documentary about Edward VIII sought to portray him as an isolated figure. But support for Hitler and the Nazis w
By Tony Rennell 24th July 2009 Friedrich Buchardt was a clever man, an intellectual and a polymath equally at home practising law or writing papers on eco
By Court Reporter June 29 2009 Tilehurst man planned to attack 'non-British' people using shrapnel bombs, Old Bailey hears A NEO-N
(From the comments section: " ... Whether the BNP is simply a racist ultra-nationalist party or an out and out fascist party is up for debate. I suppose wh
Staying vigilant against the fascists in Stoke by Anindya Bhattacharyya The fascist British National Party (BNP) has called off its planned national rally Far-right politicians - not to mention ballerinas - receive a disproportionate amount of media coverage in this country Alastair Harper De
Prince Philip Pictured at Nazi Funeralby ANDREW LEVY, Daily Mail6th March 2006Prince Philip (circled) at the Nazi funeral in 1937Prince Philip has broken a
How T-Force abducted Germany's best brains for Britain Secret papers reveal post-war campaign to loot military and commercial assets Ian Cobain The Guard
2 July 2007 BNP candidate was 'stockpiling chemicals for civil war' THE wife of a BNP council candidate accused of stockpi
Greenock Telegraph5th July, 2007BOMB THREAT: John Montgomery.A NEO-NAZI thug phoned socialist activists threatening to bomb them — but forgot to hide his