Hershey Highway Leads To Child Labor By Lee Klein | Miami New Times | May. 20 2010 This past Tuesday was declared I Love Reese's Day by Hershey's -- the ma
By Joshua Howat Berger (AFP) VENTERSDORP, South Africa — A South African farmworker accused of killing white supremacist leader Eugene Terre'Blanche told
By David McGuffin CBC Newz | April 9, 2010 South Africa's neo-Nazi leader Eugene Terreblanche at a rally outside Johannesburg in September 1994. (Reuters
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by Michael Schmidt - ZACF (South Africa)http://www.anarkismo.net/article/13598June 29, 2009This week, one of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s most ren
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The CIA-DoD War on Democracy grinds on, unhindered by public awareness of covert, bloody acts of aggression. Was Ms. Des Forges an actual rights activist (
The CIA-DoD War on Democracy grinds on, unhindered by public awareness of covert, bloody acts of aggression. Was Ms. Des Forges an actual rights activist (
By Jeffrey Gettleman and Eric Schmittwww.iht.comDUNGU, Congo: The American military helped plan and pay for a recent attack on a notorious Ugandan rebel gr
" ... In 1949, he became director of overseas operations for CARE, based in New York. ... he was one of four high-ranking CIA retirees who in 1991 formed t
" ... Eagle Wings Resources International, a subsidiary of Trinitech International of the US, continues to exploit the coltan from the Rwandan-controlled e
blogs.miaminewtimes.com Sep 30, 2008 (Illustration via Rolling Stone) From Panamanian dictator extraordinaire Manuel Noriega to countless drug warlords to
By Alex Perry/JohannesburgTime/CNNSep. 04, 2008" ... Imagine the public relations nightmare facing an oil company that uses technology responsible for powe
africa.reuters.com 29 Jul 2008 By Wendell Roelf CAPE TOWN, July 29 (Reuters) - South African media faces the threat of political censorship if new informa
By Trevor Wells Farmers' Legal Action Group-South Africa Mark Wells, an organic farmer from Cintsa on the Wild Coast, South Africa, challenged the claim o
Simon Mann in handcuffs The Shadowy Mr Calil Accused of Being the £100m Mastermind Behind Failed Coup that Landed Simon Mann in jail By GEOFFREY WANSELL
Africom Threatens the Sovereignty, Independence and Stability of the Continent Fahamu (Oxford)OPINION25 January 2008 By Mark P Fancher, Jeffrey L Edison &