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In the News Republican Suicide Cult Corpses Nationwide Make Jonestown Look Like a Putting Green

Alex Constantine - October 4, 2021

Compiled by Alex Constantine

America’s Republicans Are Killing Their Voters - Project Syndicate

Sean Hannity suggests Fox News should stop killing people - Imperial Valley News

Republicans Want to Protect Your Right to Die to Own the Libs - Vanity Fair

As the Delta variant spreads, Republican reluctance will mean thousands more deaths - Salon

With Supporters Dying, Republicans Swing To Supporting Covid Vaccines - Kaiser Health Network

Irresponsible Republicans, media talking heads leading a death cult - Las Vegas Sun

An old veteran friend died of COVID, and I blame the Republican leadership - Tampa Bay Times

Fatalities from COVID-19 are reducing Americans’ support for Republicans at every level of federal office - Science Advances

The GOP is criminally reckless on COVID - The Hill

'Look at my family': Rep.-elect Julia Letlow urges Republicans to get vaccine after husband's death - WESH

In Minnesota, a G.O.P. Lawmaker’s Death Brings Home the Reality of Covid - New York Times

NBC 10 I-Team: URI professor blames COVID deaths on Republicans - WJAR

Republicans have become the Death Wish Party - Salon

Tennessee Is Halting All Vaccine Outreach For Kids Because Republicans Are A Death Cult - Refiner 29

As Covid Cases Mount, Missouri Legislators Oppose Vaccine Efforts - Undark

Study: Republican-led states had highest COVID cases and death rates - Salon

Study links Trump rallies to more than 700 Covid deaths - Politico

Trump’s campaign made stops nationwide. Coronavirus cases surged in his wake in at least five places - USA Today



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