BOGOTA, Colombia -- In the latest twist on long-running allegations, Venezuelan officials Wednesday accused members of Miami’s Cuban exile community and
"... Americans have questioned the elections in other countries while they should worry about themselves and let other countries choose their own destiny.
Nil Nikandrov -, February 19, 2012 Several days ago, representatives of 55 Venezuelan NGOs called the internation
" ... The [Albert Einstein Institute] has come to play a central role in a new generation of warfare, one which has incorporated the heroic examples of pa
" ... One of the accusations is made by Brenda Esquivel, who in 1972 witnessed the murder of several colleagues and was then savagely tortured at an office
" ... Bases of AUC (The United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia) are set up in Venezuela's oil-rich provinces in contact with the CIA. The paramilitary grou
By Tom Brown Apr 9, 2009 MIAMI (Reuters) - A federal grand jury has accused anti-Castro Cuban exile and former CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles of lying
BY JEAN-GUY ALLARDGranma InternationalHER name and her accent are from the movies. Her manner of an incorrigible young girl, her humorous regard and ironic
by Stephen Lendman | Nov 19 2007 - 9:25am | The Bush administration tried and failed three prior times to oust Hugo Chavez since its first aborted two-day
by Michael Fox – Venezuelanalysis.comOctober 29th 2007What does the founder of the U.S. House of Representatives Task Force on Terrorism and Unconvention
By JORGE RUEDA CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — President Hugo Chavez accused the U.S. on Wednesday of trying to spur a military rebellion, saying the CIA is b 15, 2007Santo Domingo, August 15 (PL).— With great expectations, preparations are unde
And nearly every person interviewed by RCTV almost always has some message or other for the president of the country, even if the issue at hand is simply a
Subject: FW: Otto Reich(Originally posted April 17, 2002)A coup d'tat signed by Otto ReichBY JEAN-GUY ALLARD (Special for Granma International)Otto ReichHI