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Venezuelans Tortured by the CIA's Posada Carriles Collect Evidence

Alex Constantine - January 24, 2011

" ... One of the accusations is made by Brenda Esquivel, who in 1972 witnessed the murder of several colleagues and was then savagely tortured at an office of the political police in Maracay. At that time she was eight months pregnant, and Posada Carriles ordered his henchmen to kill the baby she was carrying. ... "

Scambray | January 24, 2011

img 2728  - Venezuelans Tortured by the CIA's Posada Carriles Collect EvidenceVenezuelans tortured by Luis Posada Carriles are collecting evidence of his crimes, hoping to bring U.S.-protected terrorist to justice someday, according to news reports.

Victims of the former CIA agent and of the Venezuelan political police have gathered 80 recorded testimonies on human rights violations committed by Posada Carriles between 1967 and 1974, the newspaper Ciudad CCS reported Monday.

Those materials corroborate his astonishingly cruel crimes in that country, the source adds, and his responsibility for the explosion of a Cuban airliner in October 1976 with 73 people onboard.

Venezuelan victims of torture during repression of leftist and student movements also have police files with conclusive evidence on the case, the article said.

One of the accusations is made by Brenda Esquivel, who in 1972 witnessed the murder of several colleagues and was then savagely tortured at an office of the political police in Maracay.

At that time she was eight months pregnant, and Posada Carriles ordered his henchmen to kill the baby she was carrying, she said.

For the last five years, Venezuela has asked the United States to extradite Posada Carriles, who in 1985 escaped from a prison in San Juan de los Morros, Guarico, while facing charges for the explosion of Cuban plane.
