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Austria’s ‘Reich Mother’ Presidential Candidate Caught Singing SS Anthem

Alex Constantine - April 24, 2010

By Daily Mail Foreign Service | 24th April 2010

11a - Austria’s ‘Reich Mother’ Presidential Candidate Caught Singing SS AnthemBarbara Rosenkranz of the far right wing Austrian Freedom Party claps during an election rally in Sankt Poelten, west of Vienna

The far right Freedom Party candidate for the Austrian Presidency has been caught on a YouTube video singing a song that was the unofficial anthem of the SS.

The Nazi hymn 'Wenn alle untrue werden' (When everyone else becomes unfaithful) was sung by Barbara Rosenkranz at a festival held in Austria in June 2008 and it has now been published in Austrian media. The song praises 'Holy Germany' and spreading the message to the world.

Right wing parties made substantial gains in neighbouring Hungary in a recent election and the Freedom party is hoping to see similar success in the upcoming Austrian presidential election.

Opposition politicians are now calling for Rosenkranz - nick-named 'Reich Mother' by her opponents - to be prosecuted for promoting and defending Nazi crimes, something which is illegal in both Austria and Germany.

In the video torches were waved as speeches were given about about 'Germany's beauty' and 'our ethnic ancestors'.

article 0 0947868B000005DC 493 224x423 158x300 - Austria’s ‘Reich Mother’ Presidential Candidate Caught Singing SS AnthemRosenkranz, a mother-of-ten, also complained: 'Every whore gets celebrated and praised in the media, while mothers are invisible.'

The song at the end of the video was penned by German Max von Schenkendorf and became the unofficial anthem of Heinrich Himmler's SS.

Rosenkranz is running for president in elections taking place this Sunday .

The ultra-conservative MP has between between 12 and 20 per cent support in polls, while incumbent president Heinz Fischer - a former Social Democratic MP, president of the federal parliament and science minister - is expected to garner between 70 and 80 per cent.

Rosenkranz was the only one of Austria's 183 MPs who voted against the EU's Lisbon Treaty in 2005.
