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The Washington Post’s Local Counterterrorism Profiles, State-by-State

Alex Constantine - December 26, 2010

000untitled1 - The Washington Post’s Local Counterterrorism Profiles, State-by-StateThe Washington Post has compiled snapshots of local counterterrorism efforts in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories. Choose a state below to learn more about the federal, state and local organizations involved there, the work they do and when they began participating.

State Name Total Federal State Local Started post-9/11
Totals 4058 2880 818 360 935
Alabama 84 56 17 11 32
Alaska 38 21 16 1 12
American Samoa 5 1 4 0 2
Arizona 118 75 18 25 28
Arkansas 49 32 17 0 16
California 364 250 52 62 54
Colorado 104 65 20 19 41
Connecticut 38 23 15 0 8
Delaware 24 11 12 1 8
District of Columbia 39 32 4 3 7
Florida 241 181 31 29 46
Georgia 144 88 32 24 32
Guam 13 8 4 1 5
Hawaii 46 34 11 1 9
Idaho 30 18 8 4 8
Illinois 94 78 14 2 18
Indiana 65 41 20 4 22
Iowa 37 25 12 0 9
Kansas 51 28 10 13 9
Kentucky 54 40 13 1 14
Louisiana 85 63 12 10 15
Maine 38 25 13 0 8
Marianas Islands 5 3 2 0 1
Maryland 109 68 28 13 39
Massachusetts 65 51 13 1 11
Michigan 78 58 14 6 23
Minnesota 49 30 13 6 15
Mississippi 48 38 9 1 9
Missouri 71 50 19 2 20
Montana 39 28 11 0 7
Nebraska 32 18 10 4 11
Nevada 42 26 13 3 10
New Hampshire 42 14 17 11 24
New Jersey 69 52 16 1 12
New Mexico 42 32 10 0 7
New York 161 125 21 15 31
North Carolina 68 55 12 1 13
North Dakota 33 22 11 0 7
Ohio 103 72 17 14 29
Oklahoma 68 42 22 4 17
Oregon 40 27 10 3 8
Pennsylvania 92 74 12 6 20
Puerto Rico 40 32 7 1 8
Rhode Island 23 12 10 1 6
South Carolina 56 40 14 2 14
South Dakota 28 14 12 2 7
Tennessee 90 68 20 2 20
Texas 332 295 17 20 63
U.S. Virgin Islands 17 10 6 1 2
Utah 36 24 10 2 8
Vermont 27 15 12 0 6
Virginia 157 124 26 7 23
Washington 119 100 11 8 21
West Virginia 38 23 11 4 16
Wisconsin 50 28 15 7 19
Wyoming 28 15 12 1 5