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Lawyer with Christian, Anti-Gay ‘Alliance Fund’ Arrested by FBI on Child Porn Charges

Alex Constantine - November 24, 2012

Towleroad, October 19, 2012

Lisa Biron, a Manchester, New Hampshire lawyer associated with Alliance Defending Freedom (better and formerly known as the Alliance Defense Fund, an  anti-gay Christian law group) was arrested Friday morning on child pornography  charges, the Concord Monitor reports:

A  Manchester lawyer took a teenage girl to Canada, had her engage in sexual  activity and convinced her to let it be filmed, according to federal  indictments.

FBI agents swiftly arrested Lisa Biron yesterday morning as  she awaited a hearing on child pornography charges at Manchester’s district  court. About 9 a.m. FBI agents entered the courtroom, told Biron to leave her  belongings and took her into an adjoining conference room where she remained for  several minutes before coming out in handcuffs.

Agents also found 200 rounds of ammunition in Biron's home.

The paper adds:

In making her case that Biron should be held,  Fitzgibbon also made the following allegations: Two witnesses have testified to  seeing Biron in possession of ecstasy, marijuana and cocaine; Biron sent a  threatening text message to the person who turned her in to the police, advising  him he would have to watch his back “FOR EVER."; Biron sent a text to a friend  saying she might flee to Cuba because she had “nothing left.”; Biron has asked  people to lie to law enforcement about her case; Other juveniles have been  subjected to Biron’s sexual activity and drug use.

And finally:

Biron is associated with the Alliance Defending  Freedom, a group of lawyers who, according to their website, are committed to  keeping “the door open for the spread of the Gospel” by advocating for “religious liberty, the sanctity of life, and marriage and family.” In Concord,  she worked with the ADF in defending a Pentecostal Church on Mountain Road in  its tax fight against the city.

More at the Monitor...


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