U.S. Government Writes Software to Enable Squads of Propaganda Comment Trolls By Patrick Morgan Discover | March 18, 2011 It sounds like the deranged word
By Sarah Posner | Religion Dispatches | March 8, 2011 Sarah Posner, author of God’s Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters,
By Ryan Harvey t r u t h o u t | 24 September 2010 Protesters rally for Bradley Manning. (Photo: mar is sea Y / Flickr) At a rally Sunday, September 18, 2
" ... If anything smells like some kind of CIA-type hit jobs, these murders sure do. ... " By Robert Wenzel Economic Policy Journal | September 11, 2010
" ... Whether the Cordoba Initiative ever gets its way with the Ground Zero Mosque, it may well have a lasting legacy at odds with its stated intention: By
By Rick Rozoff International | July 29, 2010 The 15th biennial African Union summit in Kampala, Uganda ended on July 27 with mixed results regarding suppo
Why is the NY Times Underplaying Account of Task Force 373’s Extrajudicial Killings? By Jeffrey Kaye The Public Record | July 28th, 2010 ... Even the qui
By MediaLens | Dissident Voice | July 1st, 2010 The sacking of the head of NATO’s military command in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, caused a
By Jeffrey Kaye The Public Record, May 25th, 2010 A new article at Truthout I co-wrote with author and investigative journalist H.P. Albarelli describes ho
by Stephen Lendman | Baltimore Chronicle | 6 April 2010 ... After General Stanley McChrystal took charge of US/NATO Afghan forces last June, systematic atr
Also see: The Suppressed Fact: 100 Deaths by U.S. Torture By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (CP) WASHINGTON — Three Guantanamo Bay detainees whose deaths were ru
DOJ Says Murtha Earmark Money Was Illicitly Distributed Paul Singer Roll Call7-9-09John MurthaA contracting firm that had hired the brother of Rep. John Mu
Obama inherits Cheney's army of assassins – and promotes their commander by Justin Raimondo antiwar.com May 20, 2009 As the story of Bush administratio
By Noel Brinkerhoff May 19, 2009 A commando unit created by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has been behind the worst attacks in Afghanistan invo
By Nicolas J S DaviesOnline Journalonlinejournal.comMay 14, 2009On July 22 2006, Human Rights Watch issued a report titled “No blood, no foul” about Am
www.examiner.comMarch 19, 2009Prospects for the U.S. Congress launching inquiries into abuses by the Bush-Cheney administration have grown with a claim tha
Tricky Dick hates our freedoms. Who knew? The fascist, "secretly" CIA-sponsored Weekly Standard "spin": "More Conspiracy Theories from Seymour Hersh"By Eri