" ... The expansion of the agency’s clandestine role is likely to heighten concerns that it will be accompanied by an escalation in lethal strikes and ot
The Central Intelligence Agency is supposed to do the nation’s spying but the line between the CIA and the Pentagon is increasingly blurry. The Pentagon
By Daniel J. Sernovitz Washington Business Journal, October 8, 2012 The National Capital Planning Commission has approved final details of the first pha
Inside Operation Dark Heart By Ben H. Rome, We Love DC | May 4, 2011 Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, author of the heavily-redacted Operation Dark Heart. On Thursd
By Jim White FireDogLake | April 21, 2011 The infamous RMR-1029 flask. Where is the B. subtilis flask? In an article published Wednesday evening on their
By Jeffrey Kaye The Public Record, May 25th, 2010 A new article at Truthout I co-wrote with author and investigative journalist H.P. Albarelli describes ho
by Tom Burghardt A new report from the National Academy of Sciences' National Research Council (NRC) argues that the Pentagon should harvest the fruits of