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The Biggest Political Scandal of the Past Decade Lockheed/Sandia, Bush’s State Dept., Pakistan’s Nuclear Smuggling & the Hidden Parapolitics of the Plame Scandal

Alex Constantine - January 2, 2011

By Alex Constantine

FchosLockheed & the Cohen Group - Seemingly Irrelevant (But Not) Connections to the Center of the Corruption:


"Soon we'll find out who is the real revolutionary, I don't want my people to be tricked by mercenaries." - Bob Marley

"Howard Dean wants the peace movement to believe that he is its best hope for bringing change in Washington. In television ads and presidential debates, Dean has emphasized his opposition to Bush's decision to launch a unilateral invasion of Iraq. ... Dean's earliest statements on foreign policy in the presidential campaign were written with the help of one of the architects of the war in Afghanistan, DANNY SEBRIGHT, who held the Orwellian title of Director of the Executive Secretariat for Enduring Freedom at the Pentagon under Donald Rumsfeld. ...

"When Sebright left the Pentagon in February of 2002 he went to work for his old boss, former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, at the Cohen Group, a Washingon-based consulting company. The firm uses its political connections to help companies obtain contracts with the Pentagon and with foreign governments. ..."


9/11 and the Murder of Daniel Pearl Hovered in the Background ...

From the moment the towers exploded, the press has made a *willful* mess of it.

The reporting on accused 9/11 co-conspirator Omar Sheikh, a radical Islamist from England, and the Pakistani court decision to hang him for the 2002 murder of Daniel Pearl, for example ...

The Guardian reported in July 2002:

'Both the US government and Pearl's wife have since acknowledged that Sheikh was not responsible.'"

"But the Pakistani authorities refused to release Omar Sheikh 'for fear the evidence they produce in court might acquit Sheikh and reveal too much.'... Sheikh is also the man who, on the instructions of General Mahmoud Ahmed, the then head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), WIRED $100,000 BEFORE THE 9/11 ATTACKS TO MOHAMMED ATTA ..."1

The story was more than a prejudicial shot at Pakistan by the Indian government. Agence France Press confirmed that a "highly-placed government source" maintained that the "damning link" between "the General and the transfer of funds to Atta was part of evidence which India has officially sent to the US."

"The evidence we have supplied to the US is of a much wider range and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced act of terrorism, the source said." The French report was quoted liberally in the Wall Street Journal, and Mahmoud was forced to step down as a result. The French report sank from view with the resignation of Mahmoud. Of course ... "

Marc Grossman

His closed conference with Mark Grossman has received little mention, a brief paragraph here and there, while attention has been slathered on others who met with the general on or about September 11, because he lacks name recognition. The ISI director's meetings with Tenet, Armitage, killer pimp in the State Department, and other ranking administration officials lit up ThuhNet, post-9/11.

And then FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds "whispered cryptically" to AntiWar.com reporter Christopher Deliso concerning Grossman's little-known role in the Valerie Plame affair. Grossman, she said, "has not been as high profile in the press," but "don't overlook him – he is very important."2

His importance is multilateral. Mark Grossman was considered a key figure by Fitzgerald in the Plame investigation, but prosecutor Fitzgerald had his own hidden conflicts of interest and was NEVER likely to make substantive progress in the case against any ranking official (I said so for years and explained why and received only blank expressions in return ... while Leopold and Madsen fought me, not deliberately, with FALSE REPORTS of "pending indictments in the Plame case" - THEY never materialized. The bogus reports of Cheney's indictment were newsworthy, designed by Richard Armitage, who "leaked" them, to divert public attention from the true nuclear underpinnings of the Plame affair.)

A Wikipedia entry explains his appointment, and when considered in context, why the investigation had no legs: " ... Fitzgerald was named by Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey after then-Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself from the case due to conflicts of interest. ..."

Comey "appointed the U.S. Attorney in Chicago, close friend and former colleague Patrick Fitzgerald, as Special Counsel to head the CIA leak grand jury investigation. ... In August 2005, Comey left the DOJ and he is now General Counsel and Senior Vice President of LOCKHEED MARTIN."3


Sandia Labs

The deputy AG has been richly rewarded in fraternal blood diamonds ... Why? What do Lockheed and its assets in the State Departnent have to do with nuclear smuggling? Everything. Lockheed owns Sandia's nuclear labs and ...

"Sibel Edmonds: ... Some corrupt US officials of the Department of Defence and State Department facilitated the theft of US nuclear secrets (technology) from American national laboratories -- Los Alamos and [Lockheed subsidiary] Sandia -- to customers in several countries, including Pakistan. This procedure involved Israeli and Turkish intelligence and also Pakistan's ISI."


AQ Khan's lab brokered nuclear materials  to Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Myanmar, etc. The Edmonds interview continued down a labyrinth of nuclear channels:

Q: Is it correct that US officials sold nuclear secrets not only to Pakistan but also to Israel and some Arab countries?

A: Of course, they did. The main recipient of the most of the US nuclear information was always Israel, specifically after the capture, sentencing and jailing of their main spy in the USA. Jonathan Pollard [note, in the linked NYT letter, the appearance of Iran-contra's Caspar Weinberger], whose handler was a former top Israeli intelligence officer Rafi Eitan (now member of the Israeli government and former chairman of the Pensioners Party - scroll down the linked page to "Israel's Conduct and Catastrophic Consequences for U.S." for details of his freakish undercover function). ...


This is the hidden key to the outing of Valerie Plame - her CIA assignment involved investigating the nuclear black market in Pakistan. High-ranking officials of the State Department and CIA were involved.  In Switzerland, the CIA is ia subject of some public interest  in a trial of cut-0uts in the AQ Khan network.

The relevant State Department officials happen to be the same ne'er-do-wells who outed Plame.

By blowing her CIA cover in the press, she was effectively neutralized by Grossman, Armitage and other Lockheed/Cohen Group/State Department stolen nuke dealers. The submerged nuclear scandal and its ties to Lockheed/Sandia/Cohen Group beneath the Plame case are transparent.

The connections are interesting enough ... Mark Grossman sits on the Cohen Group board of directors - Cohen interlocks neatly with Lockheed's board. As mentioned, James M. Loy, senior counselor at the Cohen Group, directs Lockheed, and so does Joseph W. Ralston, vice chairman the Cohen Group - a Lockheed Martin sub-contractor.

Lockheed influence on the prosecution ... Lockheed influence on the defense ... here, there, all over the Libby case ...

It wasn't only Ashcroft who should have recused, but also perhaps FITZGERALD - whose boss, succeeding Comey, Robert D. McCallum, was a former tobacco industry attorney, a member of the Skull & Bones fraternity at Yale, a friend of GW Bush - the moment Comey went to work for Lockheed and McCallum assumed supervision of the Plame investigation, because Grossman represents none other than Lockheed, and lobbies contractually on its behalf. The fix was in.

Lockheed's sudden interest in Comey is an obvjous quid-pro-quo - the many interlocking scandals behind Scooter Libby - including Grossman and his meeting with the director of Pakistani ISI preceding 9/11 - were ignored under Fitzgerald's predecessor in the case, and Fitzgerald himself - all of this tainted Libby's prosecution severely.

The name Cheney was kept out of it, for instance. This much is apparent to anyone. But so were the names Grossman, Mahmoud Ahmed, Daniel Pearl, the Lockheed board of directors, Dick Armitage and his nuclear black marketeering enterprise, etc., etc. ....

Grossman entered the Plame picture when a memo written on June 10, 2003 turned up in the files, written by a staffer in the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) on behalf of the undersecretary of State.

In the memo, Marc Grossman requested a briefing on INR's opposition to the administration's contention that Saddam Hussein had sent out feelers toward securing uranium from Niger. The Washington Post reported that he - in the role of acting secretary of state, "since Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and Deputy Secretary Richard L. Armitage were out of the country." - wanted the letter marked "secret" preceding "a meeting at the White House where the discussion was focused on then growing criticism of Bush's inclusion in his January State of the Union speech of the allegation that Hussein had been seeking uranium. ... Grossman has refused to answer questions about the letter."4

Michel Chossudovsky:

"Lt. General Ahmed as head of the ISI was a 'US approved appointee.' As head of the ISI since 1999, he was in liaison with his US counterparts in the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Pentagon. Also bear in mind that Pakistan's ISI remained throughout the entire post Cold War era until the present, the launch-pad for CIA covert operations in the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Balkans. ... The Bush Administration had sought the 'cooperation' of those who were directly supporting and abetting" the 9/11 plotline. Absurd, yes, "but at the same time consistent with Washington's broader STRATEGIC and ECONOMIC objectives in Central Asia."5

Step back in time, put yourself in the wing-tipped shoes of a Lockheed director: Is this all that is preoccupying Grossman as he gazes across his polished desk at Atta's generous benefactor - or a facile money trail for the press and FBI to follow - a few days before the terror strikes?

What were the objectives? Were they the dictates of the State Department ... OR THE COHEN/LOCKHEED GROUP? They've been directing the Scooter Libby song-and-dance cover story all along.

This was the backdrop of the Plame case - and a commutaion was waiting at the end of trial. When it was granted, the opportunity to expose the MANY scandals intersecting in Grossman's office - with Cohen and Lockheed and all cabbaged safely away in the filing cabinets - was buried, a smoking (subautomatic carbine with a complex of barrels) gun.

The prosecution's skin-deep investigation and Bush's commutation covered up a litany of federal offenses and war crimes.

"Access, Insight and Intelligence" is the motto of the Cohen Group.

"Access," "insight": "In December 2000, shortly before Cohen left office, the Pentagon awarded Iridium Satellite LLC a $72 million contract, without competitive bidding, that helped save the company's communications satellites from destruction. David R. Oliver Jr. [current director of business development and technology for Naval Systems, Northrop Grumann Electronic Sensors and Systems Division], who was a senior procurement official at the time, said that he and Cohen were the Pentagon's principal advocates for the Iridium deal. Over the past two years, Iridium has paid the Cohen Group about $400,000 to lobby the House, Senate and Department of Defense, according to lobbying disclosure statements."6

"Intelligence" for profit - conflict-of-Interests run rampant: "At the hub of the Cohen network, the former secretary makes frequent appearances on CNN, where he is a commentator on world affairs. He has served as a director of several corporations, some of which made arrangements to pay the Cohen Group for bringing in business, according to documents filed with the SEC.7

Is this a business meeting or war strategizing?:

"Nowadays, most of Cohen's mornings begin with an 8:30 staff meeting in the 'Pentagon.' That's the Cohen Group's name for the conference room where the daily meeting is held. On any given day, the gathering may include Joseph W. Ralston, a retired Air Force general and former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; James M. Loy, who finished a long public career as deputy secretary of homeland security; and Marc Grossman, a former undersecretary of state. Another prominent member of the firm, former NATO secretary general and British minister of defense George Robertson, is based overseas.

"They form an elaborate network."8

This is the network that (Russian theory) "suicided" Charles Reichers. Pravda:

Charles D. Reichers, USAF, Retired. Previous member of the Senior Executive Service of the AF, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. Also a master navigator and electronic warfare specialist. Found dead of apparent suicide on October 14.

However, Russian Intelligence analysts reported in Pravda (The Russian news service) that the ruling of suicide was a coverup, that Reichers was murdered because of his involvement in the Minot affair. According to the Pravda article, the incident was linked to an operation to smuggle nuclear weapons away from the US military in connection to launching a war against Iran. A principal in that operation was said to be Daniel Richard DeVos, Who runs the Commonwealth Research Institute, a non-profit organization working for the Pentagon.

Anybody remember Iran-Contra?...


Iran-Contra Redux: Deaths Related to NukeGate

There have been a number of mysterious deaths of USAF personnel shortly before and shortly after the incident.

Airman 1st Class Todd Blue. Attached to the 5th Security Forces Squadron at Minot AFB, specifically the Weapons System Security section responsible for the security of all “priority ressources” – including all the nukes. Went home on leave immediately after the incident and died on September 10th at the age of 20.

USAF Captain John Frueh. Attached to the USAF Special Operations Command. Last seen with a GPS device, camera and camcorder in a backpack. Found dead on September 8 in Washington State, last call from his cell at 12:28 p.m. on August 30, the day of the Minot incident. The Air Force refused to allow Washington state police to investigate his disappearance as a missing person case until they had completed a military investigation. Did they know he was dead?

Clint and Linda Huff. Clint Huff was attached to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron at Barksdale AFB. He and his wife were killed on their motorcycle September 15th after an SUV they were passing turned hard left into them.

First Lieutenant Weston Kissel. B-52H Stratofortress Bomber pilot. Also died in a motorcycle accident on July 17, less than two months before the Minot incident.

Adam Barrs and Stephen Garrett. Attached to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, responsible for loading and unloading weaponry on the B-52H Stratofortresses at Minot. They were killed in a single vehicle accident on July 3.

The Huffs, Kissel, Barrs and Garrett died before the incident. But if there was advanced planning – and any significant operation takes advanced planning – they might have been involved.

But wait! There’s more…

Charles D. Reichers, USAF, Retired ...


UPDATE: "Re The Biggest Political Scandal in the Past Decade: John Wheeler Linked to Lockheed’s NukeGate"


Damiel DeVos, identified as a nuclear kingpin in the Pravda article, as CEO of Concurrent Technologies Corp., is, of course, a Lockheed contractor.

For this blood-stained tentacle of the NukeGate octo-felonies, see:

Those Very Strangely “Missing” Nukes

Postscript: "WASHINGTON -- A top Clinton administration official, former Defense Secretary William Cohen, sits on the board of GLOBAL CROSSING. This is the telecom giant that went belly up, the fourth largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, leaving a trail of inflated revenues, top executives enriching themselves, employees and shareholders holding the bag, and Arthur Andersen acting as both consultant and auditor."9 GHW Bush addressed the directors of Global Crossing start-up, and as payment he received stock worth $13 million when the company went public. GLOBAL CROSSING employees contributed another million for GW's campaign.10


1) Michael Meacher, "The Pakistan connection," Guardian, July 23, 2002.

2) Christopher Deliso, "Lesser Neocons of L'Affaire Plame," AntiWar.com, November 24, 2005.

3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_B._Comey

4) Deliso.

5) Michel Chossudovsky, "Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration?" Centre for Research on Globalisation, November 2, 2001.

6) See

7) Ibid.

8) Ibid.

9) Wes Vernon, "Global Crossing Tied to Clinton Defense Secretary," NewsMax.com, February 16, 2002.

10) Greg Palast, "Poppy Strikes Gold," UTNE Reader, April 8, 2003.