Photo: Romani ("Gypsy") children at Auschwitz subject to various terminal medical experiments. What Have We Learned Since the "Forgotten Holocaust"? By Vi
By Paddy McGuff Morning Star, 14 November 2012 Baroness Manningham-Buller A former head of MI5 waded into the escalating row today over the government's h
"... The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Departmen
CIA Document #1035-960: Using politicians and the media to counter criticism of the Warren Report — This document, dated Jan. 4, 1967, and marked PSYCH f
By Dan Morain The Sacramento Bee, November 11, 2012 A California Common Cause leader convened a press conference and demanded answers: "Why are they tryin
By Thomas L. McDonald Patheos, October 2, 2012 “It is not my belief that an unmanned system will be able to be perfectly ethical in the battlefield, bu
By Dana Milbank The Columbian, October 13, 2012 When House Republicans called a hearing in the middle of their long recess, you knew it would be something
By Brian McAfee Global Research, June 14, 2011 The body of former Chilean President Salvador Allende was exhumed in May in an attempt to determine whether
THE US government spent more than $US11 billion to protect its secrets last year, double the cost of classification a decade ago - and that is only the
Walter Bowart: The Secret History of Mind Control CKLN 88.1 FM - Ryerson Polytechnical University Toronto Ontario International Connection Mind Control Se
FoodConsumer | April 9, 2011 Submitted by Jeffrey Smith to the French Courts in Support of Prof. Serralini November, 2010 The attack on Professor G. E. Ser
" ... Despite Kissinger's public warnings to respect human rights, the CIA kept close ties to Chileans they knew were committing abuses, paying some for in
Whenever Obama makes a major campaign promise, it's certain that he means to do the opposite ... " ... The U.S. intelligence apparatus ... has pressured O
" ... While it is true that my brother suffers from paranoia, it is also true that he fell victim to a conspiracy of psychological researchers who used de
By Karl Neathammer | December 19, 2010 Within the Nevada Republican Party, and the modern conservative movement, there are too many terrified
" ... the FBI and other federal agencies sought to hide their tracks with a cover-up. ... Shredding machines at the FBI, Central Intelligence Agency and De
“ ... 'There’s smart secrecy and stupid secrecy, and this whole episode sounds like stupid secrecy,' said Gabriel Schoenfeld of the Hudson Institute, a
" ... The whole debate has become a farce. Instead of concentrating on U.S. war crimes, the media is targeting WikiLeaks. ... Members of the mainstream med
By Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman Wired | July 19, 2010 Read More