By Sam Stein | Huffington Post | June 3, 2010 Democratic officials clearly see an opening to score some political points after the Washington Post (follo
www.politicalaffairs.netBy PA Staff WritersCNN reported this week on Sarah Palin's close ties to the Alaska Independence Party, which favors secession from
clipped from: After reading the litany of letters in the past weeks endorsing this candidate or that I am outraged and embarrassed at eith
Max Schoening '09: In Defense of a Democratic Societymedia.www.browndailyherald.com10/3/08Rachel Forman's '09 column this past Monday ("A senseless protest
By Bill Hahn 19 September 2008 interesting event occurred late last night. Politico blogger Ben Smith c
lReported by Ellenwww.newshounds.usSeptember 26, 2008When the National Enquirer broke the news a few months ago about John Edwards' extramarital affair wit
New York Magazine9/23/08The McCain campaign's ongoing war against what it sees as the liberal, biased media has been ratcheted up yet another notch. Speaki
By ANNE SUTTONJUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is effectively turning over questions about her record as Alaska's govern
By John Nichols, The Nation, AlterNet, Posted September 12, 2008Palin has repeated the long discredited claim that the invasion of Iraq was a necessary res
The America First Committee was founded by Nazi collaborator John Foster Dulles with the intent of keeping the U.S. out of WW II, and allowing Hitler to ov
MENACHEM ROSENSAFT September 3, 2008 After a spokesman for the Obama campaign observed quite accurately that many American Jews consider Patrick Buchanan,
Also see: Secretive Right-Wing Group Vetted newsUS elections 2008From: "My fellow Alaskans: independent views hit McCain's run
From NBC's Michael LevineMSNBCSeptember 02, 2008As questions have been raised over how thoroughly Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign vetted Alaska Go
By Harold MeyersonAmerican ProspectWith a fabulous (and not very kosher, to my secular Jewish eye and tastebuds) spread from Wolfgang Puck, the Republican