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Nazi Symp Pat Buchanan “Palin was a ‘brigader for me’ in ’96”

Alex Constantine - September 1, 2008

McCain Running Mate Palin Supported ‘Nazi Sympathizer
Aug 31, 2008

McCain camp rebukes Buchanan claims

by Ze'ev Ben-Yechiel “John McCain's decision to select a vice presidential running mate that endorsed Pat Buchanan for President in 2000 is a direct affront ...

" ... Palin was an official of the campaign of Steve Forbes, who like Buchanan was contending for the Republican presidential nomination. ... "
Buchanan: Palin was a 'brigader for me' in '96

August 29, 2008

Perhaps Rep. Robert Wexler's instincts were right here, and the Obama campaign will likely drive this one home with the Jewish community in Florida and Ohio: Palin (along with her husband), says former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, was a "brigader for me in 1996."

He was responding to a question on "Hardball" from Chris Matthews about whether she was a member of Buchanan's brigade "wielding the pitchforks," a reference to his conservative populist campaigns of the 1990s.

"They were at a fundraiser for me," Buchanan said of Palin and her husband. He called her a "terrific gal" and a "rebel reformer."

She doesn't appear ever to have contributed to Buchanan, however.

Buchanan has his own page on the website of the Anti-Defamation League, which says he has "racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and anti-immigrant views" and offers quotes going back well before 1996, including his 1990 description of Capitol Hill as "Israeli-occupied territory."

He's always forcefully denied that he's anti-Israel or anti-Semitic.

The comment certainly doesn't mean Palin shared, or shares, his views; but Republicans for whom Israel was an important issue certainly weren't backing Buchanan.

I'll update with a response from the McCain-Palin campaign.


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