“I do this job for the opportunity to kill the enemies of my country and also to get that boat I always wanted. . . . [W]hen engaged I will lay waste to
By Alex Constantine"The Legend," as deceased Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle was widely known, was something of an adult Eric Cartman, a pathological liar wit
June 22, 2009 Master of War: Blackwater USA’s Erik Prince and the Business of War By Suzanne Simons New York, Harper/Collins $27.99, 279 pages I approa
" ... The bin Ladens have a ten million dollar stake in the Fremont Group, a San Francisco-based company formerly called Bechtel Investments, which was unt
There is a long list of officials, including President Obama himself, who are guilty of ensuring that no one will be held accountable for the cruel abuses
A macabre piece of furniture made from human skin becomes an unfortunate topic of a book By Tim Rutten Los Angeles Times | October 27, 2010 Ludwig Wittgens
Haley Barbour, the Governor of Mississippi and a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2012, has been accused of praising a racist organisation. B
Related Stories: The Killing of Henry Glover: Who Else Knew? Times-Picayune, March 14, 2010; Algiers Police Shooting Report Altered, Sources Say, Times
By staff writers | NewsCore | July 14, 2010 THE US Justice Department charged six New Orleans police officers today in connection with a shooting and alleg
By A.C. Thompson, ProPublica | March 5, 2010 ... The Times-Picayune [has] new information about the expanding federal probe of the New Orleans Police De
By Matt Duss Think Progress | Jan 14th, 2010 The Washington Monthly has an interesting article [appended below] on what happens when a state, in this case
Updates: Riley, Compass, New Orleans police officials summoned to federal grand jury, and Orleans jury deliberating case of police officer shot after Katri
www.casavaria.com | 15 November 2009What did Jon Voight mean by suggesting that Pres. Obama is the first and only president in our history to shame “our
THE 9/11 STUPIDITY THEORYRe The Ground Truth: The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11, by John FarmerFarmer is not hostile to the 9/11 Truth Movem
JERRY MITCHELLwww.clarionledger.comFEBRUARY 11, 2009ABERDEEN — Tuesday's sentencing of a former lawyer who was one of Mississippi's most powerful men cou
Plan would dedicate 20,000 uniformed troops inside U.S. by 2011 By Spencer S. Hsu and Ann Scott Tyson MSNBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27989275/ Nov. 30,
Richard "Dickie" Scruggs" ... Langston is now aiding the government in its investigation of another alleged scheme, this one involving Scruggs and Hinds Co