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CIA MIND CONTROL Loren Pankratz, an FMSF Advisory Quack, on Dissociative Identity Disorder

Alex Constantine - January 18, 2008

fac pan - CIA MIND CONTROLDr. Pankratz is an advisory board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a CIA front that discredits victims of ritual abuse and mind control. In his professional life, Pankratz practices a highly unusual psychological specialty - he studies malingering. Lately, he has been discrediting Vietnam veterans with traumatic or repressed memories. The impression he leaves with his anecdotal approach is that they are all "faking it." The benefit to the government is obvious: if vets are lying about their condition, they have no claim to monetary and medical benefits. His "expert" arguments are as specious as you might expect, given that the FMSF is an appendage of a criminalized intelligence community. The damage that the organization has done to victims of ritual abuse is incalculable - the FMSF has programmed the public, with a redundant regimen of bald-faced lies, to believe that RA doesn't exist, when in fact cult mind control has been a scourge in most cities, with religion concealing CIA connections. The Mockingbird press covers all of this up by adopting the FMSF line of rhetoric - which borrows heavily from Holocaust denial tactics - and blacklisting or defaming the victims and their advocates.

Loren Pankratz, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
Oregon Health Sciences University
Portland, OR

Pankratz takes aim at multiplicity (or dissociative identity disorder), consensually associated with the psychology of torture and trauma, which explains why the CIA's mind control sector needs a "false memory" epidemic - to discredit victims, in this instance with the facile claim that they are merely natural "actors." Original argument ...

One reason this is revealing is that it doesn't question the existence of dissociative identity disorder - the FMSF generally denies that multiplicity even exists - but finds it a harmless, even healthy condition, not a pathology at all. This is a very peculiar bit of quackery, but "stretchers," empty rhetoric and "fudged" research are the stock-in-trade at the FMSF:

From the FMSF Newsletter:

Multiple Personality Disorder and Psychic Mediums
Loren Pankratz

August Piper, Jr., M. D,, among others, has noted that the prevalence of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) in the United States has dramatically increased while remaining relatively absent in Great Britain. Such an annoying inconsistency can be explained.

Historically, all patients in England with MPD were not considered mentally disturbed. Instead, they were believed to be gifted psychic mediums. Harry Price, Britain's famous ghost hunter, studied many examples. In 1928, Price invited Madame Picquart to his National Laboratory of Psychical Research in London. This 60-year-old French widow could assume a dazzling array of "alters" in rapid succession. In a "self-induced cataleptic trance," her features expressed the characteristics of those by whom she was controlled. Her multiples included an actor, a French general, an Egyptian mummy, etc. Price was impressed when she assumed the part of a little boy and skipped about over the chairs. Then she became an old judge, an effect due entirely to the fact that she blackened her upper lip with burnt cork and pinned odds and ends of paper about her person. All this was ingenious and very amusing. But not psychic. Price ended his experiments because nothing abnormal played any part in her performances. She then left for Paris in her primary personality, that of a disappointed French widow.

Harry Price figured out that there was nothing to distinguish MPD from good actors. Thus, even to this day the British reject the idea of assigning them to special diagnostic categories. American therapists never learned this lesson.

Price H. Confessions of a ghost hunter. London: Putnam, 1936.

Loren Pankratz, Ph.D. is a Consultation Psychologist and Clinical Professor Department of Psychiatry Oregon Health Sciences University. He is a member of the FMSF Scientific Advisory Board.

Dr. Loren Pankratz
Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
Oregon Health Sciences University
Portland, Oregon


"A fascination with the successful deceivers of history," Dr. Pankratz says, led him to devote his teaching, writing, and speaking career to the exposure of quacks and charlatans. He has debunked faith healing, firewalking, mentalism, psychics and Satanic Ritual Abuse - all with equal fervor.

As Dr. Pankratz puts it: "My professional career has focused on understanding patients who deceive health-care professionals. I have published papers on malingering, factitious disorder, drug seekers, wandering patients, and pretenders of post-traumatic stress disorder."

Faculty - National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center 2006 Conference on Child Abuse Allegations for professionals

Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
Oregon Health & Science University
Headquarters Address:
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239-3098
Website: www.ohsu.edu
Phone: (503) 494-8311
Fax: (503) 228-9588

Clinical Psychologist3
Oregon Health & Science University

Clinical Professor4
Oregon Health & Science University

Consulting Psychologist
VA Medical Center

Member, Doctor Pankratz
Oregon Psychological Association

Board Membership and Affiliations

Fellow of the Committee (past)
Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal

Board Member
False Memory Syndrome Foundation
Loren Pankratz, PhD was a Consultation Psychologist at the Portland VA Medical Center and a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Oregon Health Sciences University. He now maintains an independent consulting practice, writes, and collects books that chronicle the history of deception and mistaken ideas. Dr. Pankratz has published some of the most provocative titles in the medical literature: "The ten least wanted patients," "Firewalking and the persistence of charlatans," "Abdominal self-surgery," "The assessment and treatment of geezers," and "Hard times, dancing manias, and multiple chemical sensitivity." His articles have appeared in The American Journal of Psychiatry, JAMA, and The New England Journal of Medicine. His book, Patients who deceive, was part of the Behavioral Science and Law series published by Charles Thomas.

Rohling [Martin L. Rohling, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of South Alabama] was fortunate to have completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Portland, Oregon, where Drs. Pankratz and Binder were conducting research on measurement of effort. This resulted in exposure to the topic that exceeded that of many trainees of the era. However, Rohling can still recall thinking, "Who would want to study malingering, t's not real neuropsychology?" Unfortunately, such views appear to remain in many training centers around the country, as well as for some journal editorial boards. For example, a quick literature search of the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (JINS) found only one article on the topic over a 10-year period from 1995 to 2005. In contrast, articles on the topic of forensic neuropsychology comprise a substantial percentage (5%) of the publications in several other mainstream neuropsychological journals from 1990 to 2000 (Sweet et al., 2002) ...


- AC

One comment.

  1. I’ll link you to my next post.

    i’v seen there are a lot of member of the FMSF that are fellow of the CSICOP.

    …and also that they come from the “service”‘s programms like “MKU” and “Stargate”…

    Would you know to tell me how many peaople in FMSF are olso CSICOP (…now CSI) members?

    I’ve found:
    – Martin Gardner, past “guru” of skepticism
    – Hyman, the doctor that denied the “stargate” answers
    – James Randi
    – and now reading at you, also Pankratz

    …it’s a very strange corrispondence.

    Thank you in advance.

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