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Porn & Gay Literature Flowing into Christian Bookstores

Alex Constantine - June 16, 2007

CM519%7EPorn Posters - Porn & Gay Literature Flowing into Christian BookstoresHundreds dealing with company that promotes XXX-rated items

May 19, 2007

By Bob Unruh
2007 WorldNetDaily.com

An online company providing books to hundreds of Christian bookstores throughout Canada and the United States promotes XXX-rated materials, occult titles, manuals on homosexuality and lesbianism and satanism, according to a center that monitors the industry.

As WND has reported, a company called BookManager serves a St. Catharines, Ont., Christian bookstore whose owner recently discovered books on occultism, pornography and the like could be located through its website.

Now Bud Press, who runs Christian Research Service, has told WND that the company actually serves hundreds of Christian bookstores, whose owners now are facing the problem of what to do.

Sidewalk Porn - Porn & Gay Literature Flowing into Christian Bookstores"One manager planned to contact BookManager and request the removal of the non-Christian and pornography materials," Press said. "But with a 'title link' of 'over 4,000,000' books, the chances of that happening are slim to none."

"Also lurking among BookManager's titles are page-after-page of books that promote: cultic theology, occultism, homosexuality, lesbianism, pro-gay, transsexualism, prostitution, New Age, satanism, profanity, XXX-rated materials, Word-Faith, and

"_Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers by David L. Riegel (published by SafeHaven Foundation)

"_Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex by Judith Levine (published by Thunder's Mouth)

"_Varieties of Man/Boy Love by M. Pascal (published by the North American Man/Boy Love Association)
Jesus Loves You - Porn & Gay Literature Flowing into Christian Bookstores"_Witchhunt Foiled: The FBI vs NAMBLA (published by the North American Man/Boy Love Association)," Press documented.

A WND screenshot of the BookManager site showed in a search for "Bible," among the products offered included the "Wicca Bible" and the "Palmistry Bible" along with the "Childrens Illustrated Bible." Other searches produced more objectionable results.