An FBI special agent who lost his job in 2008 told Newsweek columnist Jeff Stein his story about how the 9/11 hijackers slipped through the cracks at the FBI and CIA more than a decade ago.
Mark Rossini said the CIA prevented him from going to FBI headquarters with the information that two known terrorists, who later went on to carry out the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, had entered the US.
Government reports on 9/11 blame a vague "intelligence failure" for the terrorist attack that killed about 3,000 people in 2001 and provide little clarity on why the CIA didn't communicate crucial information about the hijackers to the FBI. This information, in theory, could have helped the US to prevent the attacks.
Rossini said that after 9/11, when congressional investigators started asking him questions about his work with the CIA's Osama bin Laden unit, he and another FBI agent stayed quiet at the direction of CIA officers.
"It was just understood in the office that they were not to be trusted, that [the congressional investigators] were trying to pin this on someone, that they were trying to put someone in jail," Rossini told Newsweek. "They said [the investigators] weren’t authorized to know what was going on operationally. … When we were interviewed, the CIA had a person in the room, monitoring us."
He eventually told the FBI in 2004 about what happened. He said he regrets obeying CIA orders and not going to FBI headquarters with the information that Khalid al-Mihdhar, who would go on to hijack one of the planes used in the 9/11 attack, was in the country.
The CIA had been tracking al-Mihdhar for some time already. It wasn't until the agency lost track of him and another future hijacker, Nawaf al-Hazmi, in the summer of 2001 that the CIA went to the FBI with the information that the terrorists were in the US.
Rossini pointed out that al-Mihdhar was "a known terrorist that [the CIA] follows around the globe. He’s a subject of several cables, he comes to America ... and they allow him to leave America and go back to Yemen for the birth of his baby. And he comes back."
If it was the CIA's plan to recruit al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi, as former White House counterterrorism adviser Richard A. Clarke has suggested, it obviously did not work. A few months after the CIA lost track of the two terrorists, the 9/11 attacks were carried out.
The US still doesn't have an official explanation as to why CIA officers forbade Rossini from going to FBI headquarters with the information about al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi.
Several top government officials have gone on the record with doubts about the CIA's version of events leading up to 9/11.
This leaves out a big part of the story. There was a retired NYPD detective hanging on scene who supposedly yelled “gun” and thats when the shooting occured. It seems this retiree is known to be a nuisance, and now he’s helped kill someone.
Theresa Kelly is the person who made the call to 911, after she says 21-year-old Anthony DiGeronimo jumped on the hood of her car and threatened her with a knife, and allegedly lunged at arriving officers, who shot and killed him.
Kelly says she tried to talk to the officers, but that retired sergeant unleashed a profanity laced tirade against her.
“And he threw me into my car. He kicked me into my car. He said, ‘What don’t you understand?’ He put his foot up against my door and threw me into the car,” Kelly said.
A few minutes later, sources say the retired sergeant spotted plainclothes Officer Geoffrey Breitkopf striding toward the scene with a shotgun at his side, pointing at the ground.
The retired cop allegedly shouted “gun”, startling an MTA officer who shot Breitkopf.
Others, like me knew things and stop what we knew was going to occur. I tried for 2 years and was shocked to learn that if one was 0n the 10 most wanted list that the FBI had basically stopped working on the case and left it up to the bounty hunters. They did not even have a central location of couple of clerks to take in info and screen them for validity . How my others had ling delays from being caught for no proper procedures in place. The CIA and NSA told me that AG Janet Reno was in charge and wanted to do more and couldn’t . After 9/11 an FBI agent told me that every agent in the usa knew of the first terrorist attack on the Jersey City Social Security Teleservice 1/89 when he came in to pick up his w-2 and exited down a stairwell where toxic fumes began rising soon after and none allowed to investigate where he stood and stared at the World trade Center and worked giving his correct name as a transfer from the CIA and got access to the entire financial records of every one in the USA who had an ssn in 7/88 before he or any of the new hires got their security clearances done as Delores Bryant hire him and had not even fingerprinted the class nor done the routine criminal back ground checks yet. And of us were blcklisted before we got to hospitls and all beut me turned away, A mix up as to who I worked for got the diagnosis and my medcial s becme a type of precedent for those who laer died. In trying to find my bladd and skin samples, I ended up in the US attorneyps office and was told they wer in th 503 sealed indictment eveidenceon John Doe and might be called if ther every was a trial. I HVE SHARED MUCH OF THIS
I lost the screen and did not get a chance to spell check but you can get the gist of it. But the CIA and NSA said that A G Janet Reno was in charge and she was the one . Do not forget there were multiples based on the persona our CIA etc created back in mid 1970;s and it turned on this nation big time. I am quoting Sec of Defense Rumsfeld on this as he was there an would have known WEHRE ARE THE MULTIPLES? DO WE EVEN KNOW? Feel free to contact me as you have my e mail. Its bout time all of us who have parts of huge whole be put together he whole truth can come out and set the world free of those getting us in to wars and other atrocities for their own agendas that do not seem to be for any good for anyone. Monica gate started with this. also and not just a blue dress, Linda Joy Adams
Linda Joy Adams do fell free to contact me I have triped over a cover up.