It's good to have the Inquisitr website around to confirm my own research on NutraSweet (I reported most of the facts discussed here 22 years ago, and tha
Also see: Genetically Modified BACTERIA Used to Make NutraSweet Modified and Additional Material by Arthur M. Evangelista, a former FDA Investigator --
In a recent video recounting the birth of Fanta soft drinks, Coca-Cola explains that its German operation had trouble getting cola-making ingredients to th
Artificial sweeteners found in diet soda and yoghurt, which are consumed by millions daily, can raise the blood sugar level instead of reducing it, accor
By Kathleen Jade, N.D. Mother Earth News, April 7, 2014 After the dangers of refined sugar became widely known in the 1980s, the American food industry
Related: "Genetically Modified BACTERIA Used to Make NutraSweet" Heard the saying, "you are what you eat"? Well, brace yourself. Aspartame, the junk fo
The big health news from this past week is the petitioning of the FDA by two very powerful dairy organizations, The International Dairy Foods Association (
" ... Diet soda drinkers were found to be at the highest risk for depression. The researchers have no explanation for this connection, but the study adds t
By Lindsey Tugman KTHV, Nov 20, 2012 LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV) -- We're helping you make healthy choices today. You may have noticed that diet soda is more
By TRACY WILKINSON Los Angeles Times MEXICO CITY -- Adolfo Calero, a former Coca-Cola executive who led the largest anti-Sandinista Contra rebel force in
By Adam Peck
Think Progress, Apr 5, 2012
PepsiCo, the world’s second largest beverage company, has ended its partnership with ALEC, the controversial rig
By NPR Staff | March 12, 2011 Hyperactivity. Fidgeting. Inattention. Impulsivity. If your child has one or more of these qualities on a regular basis, you
By John Del Signore Gothamist | February 10, 2011 Some time ago, a friend overheard this snippet of conversation between two mothers on the J train. One
By Anthony Gucciardi Natural News | January 05, 2011 Bacterial critters The manufacturers of the most prevalent sweetener in the world have a secret, a
" ... Critics say neotame is even more toxic than aspartame, and call for independent research (not studies funded by the manufacturer) to evaluate its eff