Nazi Past Gives Disease a Bad Name
NYT/January 22, 2008 By BARNABY J. FEDER What’s in a disease’s name? Long-hidden shame, perhaps. In most cases, as with lung cancer or heart failure,
Human Experimentation Pa. Inmate Recounts ‘Guinea Pig’ Tests/Fat-Melting Injections
Pa. Inmate Recounts 'Guinea Pig' Tests By JOANN LOVIGLIO, AP December 3, 2007 PHILADELPHIA – As an inmate test subject for medical experiments being con
Chantix Marketing Campaign Ignores Reports of Suicide, Other Psychiatric Side Effects December 31st, 2007 Chantix, an anti-smoking medication, continues to be touted as a “wonder drug” by its maker, Pfizer, Inc., despite
Lobby to Hide Cancer Dangers Has Government’s Helping Hand
Michelle Chen In These Times November 19, 2007. Industry special interests are burying information on cancer-causing chemicals and, according to watchdog
Critics Worry about Makeup of FDA Drug Research Center
By MATTHEW PERRONE Associated Press WASHINGTON – The Food and Drug Administration is moving with unprecedented speed to launch a drug research center to
Cell Phone Radiation Risks – Real or Imagined?
By Anthony Doesburg New Zealand HeraldOctober 01, 2007With millions of new devices - cellphones, cordless phones and Wi-Fi networks - that emit electromagn
Pretty in Prozac The Marketing of Serafem
Pretty in Prozac - Aging anti-depressant gets a makeoverMargot MagowanMarch 18, 2001THE PILLS are so pretty, so pink and lavender. Prozac, the controversia
Sodas – diet or not – linked to heart disease study
Also see: "Coca-Cola & the Nazis": Heart worries fizz around soft drinks Study hints calorie-free sodas are not risk-free By Stephanie Desmon July 2
New Drug Deletes Bad Memories
By Bill Christensen Do you have a really bad memory, or past heartache, that you would prefer to forget? Researchers at Harvard and McGill University (in
An Ethnographic Study of the Social Context of Migrant Health in the United States
Abstract: Hierarchy Of Health In Farm Workers In The US racism and anti-immigrant practic
Insuring the Dead Humana, UnitedHealth Suspend Some Health Plans After Complaints
NOTE: HUMANA is an offshoot of the notorious BLUEGRASS CONSPIRACY, and has CIA/Mafia ties. (See, for instance, my December 27, 2006 posting in the archive,
Toxic Legacy Ground Zero Illnesses Come Back to Haunt Rudy Giuliani
By Jerry MazzaOnline Journal Associate EditorJun 1, 2007Alas, the man who is billed as 9/11’s hero, America’s sheriff, the man who would be President,
Thousands of Nuclear Arms Workers See Cancer Claims Denied or Delayed
By Michael Alison Chandler and Joby WarrickWashington Post May 12, 2007Walter McKenzie's assignment toward the end of the Cold War was to mop up after mish