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VOTESCAM The Voter Fraud Diversion

The RNC's clamor over "voter fraud" is amplified by the media, actual ballot machine manipulation and gross procedural violations by Republicans are ignore

Re “Alex Constantine Returns”

By Alex Constantine (Revised)The Conservative Voice, a mine of ringing right-wing propaganda, is taking me to task for debunking the "Islamo-fascism" red h

Russia Resurgent

Also see: "The Geopolitical Theorist who Gave us PNAC, 9/11, Office of Special Plans, the Iraq Invasion, etc."by Gary SudboroughSep. 28, 2008IconoclastGS@a

Covert War Against Tim Buckley?

www.hotshotdigital.comBuckley: “The song ‘Goodbye and Hello’ was not played on any radio stations at all. ‘No Man Can Find The War’ was not playe

Kenya Deports Anti-Obama Author

Jerome Corsi, author of "Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," tried to launch his new book, but violated immigration rules, Kenyan