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Serbian Nazi Collaborators of WW II

Alex Constantine - September 4, 2010

" ... Serbian Nazi fascists worked closely with German Nazi officials in making Belgrade the first 'Judenfrei' city of Europe. Serbian leader Milan Nedic made an official visit to Adolf Hitler on 19 September 1943, advancing the idea that Serbia is no place for Jews and thanking ‘Führer’ for his decision to exterminate our people in Europe. ... "

Serbian Chetniks and German Nazi Fascists in World War II 465x350 300x225 - Serbian Nazi Collaborators of WW IIPhoto of Serbian Chetniks and German Nazis. The entire army of Serbian Chetniks collaborated with the SS. Serbia was a Geman puppet state in World War II led by Milan Nedic, Serbian Nazi collaborator

By Yahalom Kashny
The Comment Factory | September 3rd, 2010

As a survivor of the Holocaust, I am increasingly agitated by Serbian revisionist propaganda on the internet.

The crimes of the Croatian Ustashas were terrible, but the Serbian Chetniks also collaborated with German Nazis in World War II. Serbia was a Nazi puppet state in World War II led by Milan Nedic, Serbian fascist collaborator.

The oppression of Jews in Serbia started before the arrival of Hitler’s occupying forces. Six months before the Nazi invasion of Yugoslavia, Serbia voluntarily passed the legislation restricting Jewish participation in the economy, education and employment. One year later, on 22 October 1941, anti-Semitic “Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibit” was funded by Serbia’s capital city, Belgrade.

Serbian Nazi fascists worked closely with German Nazi officials in making Belgrade the first “Judenfrei” city of Europe. Serbian leader Milan Nedic made an official visit to Adolf Hitler on 19 September 1943, advancing the idea that Serbia is no place for Jews and thanking ‘Führer’ for his decision to exterminate our people in Europe.

Throughout the War, the Serbian Chetnik movement remained almost completely inactive against the occupation forces, and increasingly collaborated with the Axis, losing its international recognition as the Yugoslav resistance force.

On 20 December 1941, the Serbian Chetnik army supreme commander, Draza Mihailovic, issued the “instructions” to his units, outlining his mission to create ethnically pure Serbia and commit genocide against the non-Serbs, particularly Bosnian Muslims who in large numbers joined anti-fascist Partisans. According to Mihailovic’s instructions, Chetnik army’s objective is:

“The creation of Greater Yugoslavia, and within it Greater Serbia, ethnically clean within the borders of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Srem, Banat, and Bačka; The cleansing of all national minorities [including Jews] and anti-state elements from state territory; The creation of direct common borders between Serbia and Montenegro, as well as Serbia and Slovenia by cleansing the Bosniak population from Sandžak, and the Bosniak [Bosnian Muslim] and Croat populations from Bosnia and Herzegovina; 7.The settlement of the areas cleansed of national minorities and anti-state elements by Serbs and Montenegrins (to be considered are poor, nationally patriotic, and honest families).”

With Adolf Hitler’s blessing, Serbian Nazi collaborators established the Serbian State Guard which comprised of around 20,000 Serb fascists, compared to the the 3,400 German police in Serbia. Their mission was to hunt down and kill Jews, Gypsies and other non-Serbs.

Milan Nedic’s second in command was Dimitrije Ljotic. Ljotic founded the Serbian Fascist Party and organized the Serbian SS Volunteers Corps which hunted down and killed Jews, Gypsies and Muslims. Serbian citizens received cash bounties for capturing or killing Jews.

Banjica concentration camp was primarily operated by Serb Nazis who took sadistic pleasure in killing Jews. The camp was created by converting barracks of the Serbian SS 18th infantry division. The funding for this conversion came not from Germans, but from the municipal budget of Belgrade.

Operation Halyard has often been cited as “evidence” of the Chetniks’ continuing strong pro-Allied sympathies for rescuing as many as 500 downed Allied airmen. However, they did so because they were paid in gold for each rescue. Partisans and Ustashas also rescued Allied airmen, and they were also paid in gold. Having lost all Allied support to the Partisans (along with the recognition of the King Peter II), and with the Axis defeat in Europe a certainty, Serbian Nazi collaborator Draza Mihailović went to great lengths to regain Allied support and to portray himself in a favourable light. However, the Allies were aware that Mihailović’s troops were rescuing German and Ustaše aviators from the Partisans (as indicated in a Nedić government report of February 1944) and, on other occasions, even hunted down Allied aviators on behalf of the Axis occupation.

225px Milan Nedic1 - Serbian Nazi Collaborators of WW IIMilan Nedic

Serbian collaborationist forces during this period, sanctioned by the Serbian fascist government, also included the ZBOR party and Serbian Volunteer Corps led by Dimitrije Ljotić and the rogue Chetnik faction of Kosta Pećanac. Serbian Gestapo, officially known as the 1st Belgrade Special Combat detachment, was a special Serbian SS police unit which was established in World War II Serbia.

It was only after the withdrawal of the Germans and the overthrow of the Nedic regime in October 1944 that the Serbs in Serbia began to join the anti-fascist Partisans in large numbers. These new Partisans included tens of thousands of former Serbian Nazi collaborators responding to Tito’s promises of amnesty.

Serbs and Serbia were no different than Croats and Croatia in World War II. They collaborated with Nazis and murdered Jews and Bosnian Muslims en masse. Some 94 percent of Serbia’s 16,000 Jews were exterminated, with the considerable cooperation of the Serbian government, the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Serbian State Guard, the Serbian police and the Serbian public. Some 60,000 Bosnian Muslims were killed by Serbian Chetniks. In February of 1944, Serbian Nazi collaborators slaughtered – by their own admission – 9,000 Bosnian Muslim civilians. In a report sent from Serbian Chetnik commander Pavle Djurisic reporting to General Draza Mihailovic, wrote:

“All Muslim villages in three mentioned locations [municipalities of Pljevlje, Cajnice, and Foca] were burned down, and not even one home remained intact…. During military operations, we engaged in total destruction of Moslem population without regard to their sex or age. Our victims include 22 dead, of which 2 by accident, and 32 wounded. We killed about 1,200 Muslim soldiers and about 8,000 of their women, elderly and children.”

Instead of poisoning the internet with half-truths and outright lies, it is time for Serbia and the Serbs to face reality and acknowledge they collaborated with Nazis and committed a genocide over Jewish and Bosnian Muslim population in World War II. May your God forgive you, but Jewish people won’t.



  1. I lost mother and father in Sajmiste, concentration camp operated jointly by Serbian nazis and their German masters. The pain of loss is still present in my heart and will remain with me till the day.

  2. Thank you for this article. I am also sick of half-truths and lies told nowadays about these events. After WWII Chetniks were hunted down as traitors to their people. Some escaped and lived under the rock, nowadays they or their offspring is popping up everywhere with this reinvented “truth” how they were the champions of anti-fashist movement with story about 500 downed Allied airmen at the centre of it. They portray themselves as saviour of Jews in WWII despite the fact that opposite is the truth and genocide against all non-Serbs was written as a goal in their manifesto. They portray themselves as allies to Jews in modern times based on some misconception that Jews and Muslims are “natural enemies” hoping they get Jewish approval for genocidal ideology aimed against Bosnian Muslims today. Please don’t allow truth about their role in WWII to be forgotten.

  3. Fascism was Italy, Nazi is an easy term that allows many to continue the same game. Look at my country, the US, our Progressive politicians are more National Socialist then Fascist… a distinction that has gone un-noticed for too long

  4. please remove this article as it is full of false facts…investigate before you write something like this..around 1000 000 Serbs, then Jews and Gypsies were killed all over former Yugoslavia..and Serbs have never collaborated with Germans and Nazis…I am writing as someone whose more than half of my family was killed in those concentration camps…Serbs were the only one protecting Jews and Gipsies….there were more than 70 concentration camps throughout former Yugoslavia during the WWII but none of them were Serbian held…thanks

  5. Using your ethnicity to smear the entire Serbian nation is a very low blow, Sir. Nedic was “Serbian leader?” Yes, in the same way that Quisling was Norwegian leader. Who was, by numbers, the main victim of Nazis in Serbia during the WWII? Serbs, maybe? Can you find such equivalence in Croatia or Bosnian federation? Were Croats and Bosnian muslims persecuted in the same way in WWII as Serbs?

  6. This is FULL OF FALSE FACTS. I am getting so annoyed looking at this. BECAUSE the sheer amount of lies present in ONE article, require such in depth analysis that THIS WEBSITE, DOES NOT ALLOW (the limit of maximum text being low). There was no Serbian SS 18th infantry division COMPLETE LIE. Only this website states this and many other lies. Text limit runs out here.

  7. The “SS VOLUNTEER CORP” also never existed. The serbian ss police unit was small (150 members) and there’s no proof regarding it’s existence. The banjica camp was not made from the Serbian SS 18th infantry division since it doesn’t even exist. The banjica camp was mostly operated by the German gestapo, and in it were many Serbs. The inmates were not “sadistically tortured”.

  8. Milan Nedic didn’t have anything to do with Chetnik war crimes (he opposed them a lot). He had limited authority over Serbia, he never thanked the Fuhrer for “Serbia becoming Judenfrei”. He took his role in order to save his country in Hitler’s new order, fearing it would be destroyed like Poland was.

  9. There was no “SERBIAN FASCIST PARTY” only ZBOR which WASN’T EVEN FASCIST, as Dmitrije Ljotic HIMSELF stated in his book “Not a fascist, nor a Hitlerist” “With Adolf Hitler’s blessing, Serbian Nazi collaborators established the Serbian State Guard” What “BLESSING”???? They never took an oath and alleigence to Hitler **UNLIKE CROATS AND BOSNIAKS. WHO ACTUALLY DID THAT!**.

  10. This article is CLEVERLY MADE. I am suprised BY the art of manipulation used here. If i didn’t know facts, I would believe all this. You people make this look so official and corporate, in order to brainwash people. This Website is pure evil, I am disgusted by this MISINFORMATION that you spread around, THERE’S so many false claims i cannot COUNT THEM.

  11. “Serbian Nazi fascists” NOT ONLY DO YOU SPREAD LIES, BUT YOU DON’T HAVE COMMON POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE. THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS A “NAZI FASCIST”. Dear people, anyone reading, please don’t believe this propaganda. I won’t comment on this anymore since i’ve said enough. Wake up people, stop believing all this stuff people shove in your throats.

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