"... The Council of Conservative Citizens Inc. is listed by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit organization that promotes social welfare, also kno
" ... White supremacists believe America is doomed because of Hispanics, African-Americans and Asians. They are adept at finding space where their repugna
By Terry Krepel Media Matters for America | January 10, 2011 Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid devoted his January 9 column to defending the publication
[Anti-Fascist Encyclopedia archive on the Republican Funding and Neo-Nazi Eugenics of AMERICAN RENAISSANCE] Also see: "Defeat The Anti-White Double Stand
By Sarah Posner Religious Dispatches | October 11, 2010 Just before this year's Values Voter Summit, the progressive advocacy group People For the America
By Sarah Posner Religious Dispatches | October 11, 2010 Just before this year's Values Voter Summit, the progressive advocacy group People For the American
By Leah Rae LoHud.com | September 25, 2010 In 2007, a Village Voice reporter went undercover to a gathering of white supremacists and was surprised to see
by Flint Jones InfoShop News | May 08 2010 Rachel Maddow drew the connection between Arizona's recent anti-immigrant legislation and the Immigration Refo
Doing 'Right' in Vegas By Rob Waters www.splcenter.org | Winter 2009 The Institute for Historical Review, the Holocaust-denying hate group created in 1978
Also see: Child Porn Found on Holocaust Museum Suspect's Computer. Also: James von Brunn, Pedro del Valle and the Fraternity of Fascists who Murdered John
By DANIEL BARLOWwww.timesargus.comJune 14, 2009MONTPELIER – For more than 30 years, Robert S. Griffin has taught education courses at the University of V
Black Hats on Campus Written by David Holthouselansingcitypulse.com Wednesday, 16 January 2008Preston Wiginton is one busy neo-Nazi.In October 2005, he