Alex Constantine - September 15, 2010
" ... In 2000 Johan was co-founder and Director of IT firm Vision House and by 2003 he was also Director in Swedish business consulting company Connector Asia. During the tsunami crisis in 2004, Johan Winlof worked as a consultant assisting the international ID commission. A project financed by the Swedish Embassy. ... "
In Bangkok the late Johan Winlöf was for 15 years known as a well liked, successful businessman and creative entrepreneur. Only a few knew that the Swede was covering up a much darker past. For years he was the leader of Sweden's Neo-Nazis and had several convictions for violent behaviour.
By Pimjai C. Mongkol, Søren Lykke Bülow, Bjarne Wildau and Thomas Lykke Pedersen
ScandAsia | 15.09.2010
In the mid 80's Johan (at that time Staffan) was convicted of several violent crimes connected to the Neo-Nazi movement. The most serious attack was on a bookstore with a fire bomb, but he also participated in violent attacks on gay people and political opponents as well as the destruction of a Jewish cemetery.
One of the most talked about events in Swedish media in 1985 was from the city of Växjö – the Nazi's stronghold. In May the citizens was fed up with seeing the Neo-Nazi's marches and demonstrations, thus they arranged a massive counter demonstration. In the lead of the Nazi group was Johan Winlöf. The whole thing escalated in to a fight and Nazis had to flee and hide at public rest rooms before police assisted them out. (See video at bottom.)
Two different persons
To the people who knew Johan in Bangkok, he was a completely different person.
He was highly intelligent and held two bachelor degrees from Lund University in Sweden, one in political science and business administration, and one in Asian languages (Thai, Indonesian and Chinese) with Thai as his major subject – scoring 100 points (maximum) on his finals.
At homepage Johan Winlöf stayed in touch with his former study friends from Lund University using his old name Staffan – or actually Johan-Staffan Winlöf.
Thus, he had all the possibilities of a great new start as he left Sweden behind and moved to Thailand some 15 years ago.
In 2000 Johan was co-founder and Director of IT firm Vision House and by 2003 he was also Director in Swedish business consulting company Connector Asia.
During the tsunami crisis in 2004 Johan Winlof worked as a consultant assisting the international ID commission. A project financed by the Swedish Embassy.
Death of a paradox
Martial arts was one of Johan's his big passions and he was a karate black belt.
At one point Johan Winlöf opened up his own martial art and fitness centre in Bangkok called SMAC, where he taught self defence.
But by paradox his skills could not help him on that fatal night of September 9th, when he was stabbed to death by his wife.
The Funeral will commence on 16 September with praying by monks at 19.00 hours and at the same time on 17 and 18 September. The funeral will take place on 19 September at Wat Klong Toye Nai at 13.00 hours.