PRWatch, November 19, 2015 The Kochs have been complaining about a "lack of civility in politics" as they seek to boost their public image--but one of the
Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- To whatever degree the U.S. knowingly or carelessly sheltered Nazi murderers after World War II, it’s a national shame. “America
It’s been just over two years since computer prodigy Aaron Swartz took his own life. He was the target of a merciless witch-hunt by the Department of Jus
David Barron, a Harvard law professor who gave President Obama the green light for his illegal global drone attacks, has been nominated by Obama for a seat
Associated Press: EASTHAM, Mass. — A juror in Boston mobster James "Whitey" Bulger's trial said testimony showed that the man once listed as the FBI's mo
John Brennan Links to Armitage, Mantech, Pinochet, Bush, Tenet, Kresa, Logicon-TASC, 9/11, Southern Asset Mgt., National Review, etc. By Alex Constantine
[Fanily's claim] says then-U.S. Atty. Dennis Burke falsely told them guns found at the scene weren't part of the failed Operation Fast and Furious.
By Ric
Political Correction | February 01, 2011 The right-wing U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) has released an interim report on the commission's year-lon
by Choire Sicha The Awl | February 22, 2010 Despite what is surely deliberate obstruction, in the form of having deleted John Yoo's emails, the Department
" ... Griffin was, as BBC journalist Greg Palast reported it in 2007, "the hidden hand behind a scheme to wipe out the voting rights of 70,000 citizens pri
Caveat: This is arguably premature and highly speculative, but it does dig into John Wheeler's connections to treacherous military contractors, a reason
" ... Information from newspaper stories, court decisions and congressional testimony were all kept out, as were footnotes citing those sources. 'We know
By Jerry Markon and Stephanie McCrummen Washington Post | August 17, 2010 A federal investigation of a controversial Arizona sheriff known for tough immigr
The Pharma Letter | 13 August 2010 According to a report by the UK’s Financial Times, the US Department of Justice is scrutinizing payments by leading ph
I was implanted at a hospital in 2002.These crimes against humans are ongoing.The govt. is involved through various agencies,as well as the private sector.organized crime working with the DOJ, to target and experiment on citizens.state secrets excuses
allow these criminals to maime and murder.
I was implanted at a hospital in 2002.These crimes against humans are ongoing.The govt. is involved through various agencies,as well as the private sector.organized crime working with the DOJ, to target and experiment on citizens.state secrets excuses
allow these criminals to maime and murder.