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Dow Chemical Uses PBS to Push Corporate Agenda

Alex Constantine - April 26, 2012

By Noel Brinkerhoff

AllGov.com, April 25, 2012

eouploader e2d7687d 0d9f 413c 90b0 7d677274fe9b 1 data - Dow Chemical Uses PBS to Push Corporate AgendaA new multi-part series on PBS discusses four major economic issues affecting the United States and, it just so happens, the interests of the program’s corporate sponsor.

Dow Chemical underwrote the series “America Revealed,” whose four installments cover the topics food and agriculture, transportation, electricity and manufacturing.

A review of Dow’s corporate website reveals the corporation’s four major interests are agriculture, infrastructure & transportation, energy and consumer & lifestyle.

In the first episode, the series discussed the rise of genetically modified (GM) foods as a solution to the pest problem in the corn industry. Perhaps not coincidentally, Dow is a major producer a GM seeds.

Episode 3, which airs tonight, concentrates on power. Dow produces components for nuclear power plants, coal-powered plants and solar panels.

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  1. So they started these two low power FM stations out here on the olympic peninsula and immediately said “no green, no rock, no conspiracy”, and they still expect us to pay for it; no thanks. So what devil jumps up in Port Townsend? Larry Stein programmer from NPR. Well idiots, there goes 2/3rds of your potential funding base; sayonara suckers.

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