Alex Constantine - June 15, 2008
By Alex Constantine
Congressional Oversight of Los Alamos in 2001
Rep. W.J. "Billy" Tauzin of Lousiana oversaw Los Alamos in 2001, when he became chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Wikipedia:
... Tauzin was one of the cofounders of the House Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate-to-conservative Democrats. However, on August 8, 1995 Tauzin himself became a Republican, claiming that conservatives were no longer welcome in the Democratic Party. ... Tauzin served as chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee from 2001 until February 4, 2004 when he announced he wouldn't run for a 13th full term. ... [O]n January 3, 2005, the same day he left Congress, Tauzin began work as the head of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA, a powerful trade group for pharmaceutical companies. It was reported that they had offered more than $2.5 million per year for his services. Two months earlier, Tauzin had played a key role in shepherding the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill through Congress, which had been criticized by opponents for being too generous to the pharmaceutical industry. ... This link was explored at great length in an April 1, 2007 interview by Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes. The report, Under the Influence, pitted Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.) and Rep. Dan Burton against Tauzin and accused him of using unethical tactics to push a bill that "the pharmaceutical lobbyists wrote". Their claim is supported by CSPAN video, the fact that it was the longest roll call in the history of the House of Representatives, and the 3 a.m. voting time. Along with Tauzin, many of the other individuals who worked on the bill are now lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry. Michael Moore's 2007 film Sicko levied similar criticism. [Source: CBS NEWS "Under The Influence 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft Reports On Drug Lobbyists' Role in Passing Bill That Keeps Drug Prices High" NEW YORK, April 1, 2007]
Billy's Secret Travel Budget & Fleishman Hillard, Inc.:
Lobbying Firms Listed as Travel Sponsors
Congressional travel rules do not allow members and staffers to accept trips paid for by lobbyists or lobbying firms. But a review of disclosure filings from January 2000 through June 2005 by the Center for Public Integrity found 90 instances in which the original form filed by lawmakers or aides listed a sponsor or a co-sponsor with a name matching that of a firm registered to lobby the federal government. The chart below includes entries for each such trip that list the exact wording found on the forms. ...
Billy Tauzin
Cecile Tauzin
Fleishman-Hillard, Inc.
Rep. W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, R-La.
In the Months before 9/11, Fleisman-Hillard - a PR firm based in St. Louis - Courted Billy Tauzin:
Feds will help state's electricity crisis says Tauzin
"California is not alone in facing power shortages this summer, says the new chairman of the House Energy and Commerce committee, Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La., who was in Menlo Park this morning to speak at a forum sponsored by Technet and Fleishman Hillard Public Relations. ... "
Fleishman Hillard is Owned by Omnicom:
"According to the House report, companies owned by New York-based Omnicom have a virtual monopoly -- 89 percent -- of government PR contracts awarded between 2001 and 2004. The company, whose headquarters are on Madison Avenue, the heart of the advertising industry, reeled in $8.6 billion in revenue in 2003 from clients like Kodak, Dow Chemical and Heinz ketchup."
Fleishman Hillard Represents ES&S, a critical Hunt family connection.
"In August 2006, one day after the Associated Press reported that the electronic voting machine company Election Systems & Software (ES&S) "agreed to a $750,000 settlement that resolves complaints filed after its software caused delays for some Indiana voters and election officials during the state's May primary," O'Dwyer's PR Daily reported that Fleishman-Hillard was representing ES&S."
NSA Spying Scandal and AT&T
" ... You want to compare the nature, and terms of the Verizon contract with the various media-messaging firms within the GOP-WH-DOJ that are linked with AT&T. One of the names that may appear is Fleishman Hilliard. This firm's name is one that has been linked with AT&T ... The speculation is that the Gonzalez testimony about "this program" or "that program" relates to the method by which NSA data is stripped of identifying information; and how this non-specific information is then transferred possibly through an Intermediary to a firm associated with DoJ and DoD. As you dig into the Fleishman Hillard Contracts, you Will find a common contract number that crosses multiple Presidential programs and appropriations -- DoJ, DHS, DoD. The contract numbers are essentially the same. ..."
Fleishman Hillard Represented Pakistan's Gen. Musharaff:
In October 1999, Gen. Musharaff overthrew the civilian regime in Islamabad. A little over a year later, George W. Bush was appointed President after an election marked by unprecedented levels of voter irregularity. With came yet another change in Pakistani representation in Washington, this time with heavy-duty Republican ties.
According to Bill Berkowitz of Working Assets, there have been at least three GOP-associated PR firms which have handled the Pakistan account since 9/11. Berkowitz mentions Dan Pero of Sterling International, Fleishman-Hillard (F-H), and Gary Polland of Houston-based Polland & Cook.
Berkowitz: "... Pakistan is not a newcomer to the PR game. In April of this year, the country hired Fleishman-Hillard (F-H) "to win Congressional approval for tariff relief," O'Dwyer's Daily reports. Donna Rohrer from F-H's Washington, D.C., office, recently noted that the campaign was now on hold -- "caught up in the national vise of our war on terror." F-H has been told to "back off from the media," she added. F-H was promoting the "Pakistan Emergency Economic Development and Trade Support Act," introduced by Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), which was aimed at rewarding Pakistan for its support for the president's "war on terrorism," O'Dwyers PR daily reported. The bill, that would have given Bush "the authority to reduce or suspend import duties on Pakistani apparel," was opposed by the U.S. apparel manufacturers. Pakistan already exports about $2 billion in apparel to the U.S., according to O'Dwyers. ...
Biochips and Fleishman Hillard
Companies map new uses for tracking chips
Critics concerned technology would compromise privacy
Todd Lewan, Associated Press
Sunday, February 3, 2008
... [The] idea that tiny radio chips might be in their socks and shoes doesn't sit well with Americans. At least, that's what Fleishman-Hillard Inc., a public relations firm in St. Louis, found in 2001 when it surveyed 317 consumers for the industry.
Seventy-eight percent of those queried reacted negatively to RFID when privacy was raised. "More than half claimed to be extremely or very concerned," the report said, noting that the term "Big Brother" was "used in 15 separate cases to describe the technology."
It also found that people bridled at the idea of having smart tags in their homes. One surveyed person remarked: "Where money is to be made the privacy of the individual will be compromised."
In 2002, Fleishman-Hillard produced another report for the industry that counseled RFID makers to "convey (the) inevitability of technology," and to develop a plan to neutralize opposition, by adopting friendlier names for radio tags such as Bar Code II and Green Tag.
And in a 2003 report, Helen Duce, the industry's trade group director in Europe, wrote that "the lack of clear benefits to consumers could present a problem in the 'real world,' " particularly if privacy issues were stirred by negative press coverage.
(Though the reports were marked "Confidential," they were later found archived on an industry trade group's Web site.)
The Duce report's recommendations: Tell consumers that RFID is regulated, that RFID is just a new and improved bar code, and that retailers will announce when an item is radio tagged, and deactivate the tags at check-out upon a customer's request.
Fleishman Hillard's Iraq War Propaganda
"Video news releases Fleishman-Hillard (and its subcontractors Gourvitz Communications and Harbour Media) produced for ONDCP were found to be in violation of the ban on covert government propaganda."
Other Clients:
Department of Defense ... Sun Microsystems ... Office of National Drug Control Policy ... Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, a 'post-graduate, research-focused university ... scheduled to open in 2009,' according to PR Week."
Also Wall-Mart.
U.S. Government PR Contracts
According to the U.S. House Committee on Government Reform Minority Office, Fleishman-Hillard received the following amounts per year, for federal PR contracts: [5]
$39,000 in 1998
$33,589,000 in 1999
$2,344,000 in 2000
$5,011,996 in 2001
$23,903,419 in 2002
Remember the Armstrong Williams Pro-Bush Propaganda Scandal?
"... Last week, Williams, who says he supports the No Child Left Behind program anyway, admitted to supporting the program in his radio broadcasts, television appearances and columns, and to receiving a six-figure payment from the Education Department to do so. The agreement is in violation of the Publicity and Propaganda clause routinely included in annual appropriations bills. CREW seeks copies of all contracts with public relation firms, including Ketchum and Fleishman-Hillard. ... "
Los Alamos Laboratory up for bid: A Primer
The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a GOCO (Government Owned, Contractor Operated) facility owned by the Department of Energy and operated by the University of California.
The University of California has held the contract since 1943 when the laboratory was first established. The most recent contract renewal between the DOE and UC was signed in January of 2001, just before the Bush administration took office. The contract has been held by the UC for 61 years without competition.
According to the DOE's report (McSlarrow & Brooks) security lapses in the late 1990's were not adequately addressed by lab administrators. The corrective measures drawn out in Appendix O of the January, 2001 UC-DOE contract for LANL failed to solve the root problems of mismanagement because according to the DOE;
"The Federal oversight role was limited to a mechanistic review of performance as set forth in the contract when, in fact, a broader, more aggressive role was called for, particularly in light of problems that developed at Los Alamos in the late 1990s."
Security lapses at LANL during this time period included the Wen Ho Lee case, multiple disappearances of keys, widespread theft and misuse of government credit cards, failures to repel mock terrorist attacks, among others.
DOE Secretary Abraham's memo on opening the contract Upon reviewing the McSlarrow & Brooks report DOE Secretary Abraham wrote back to the NNSA (National Nuclear Security Administration) on April 29th, 2003 saying that, "given [the] responsibility and the widespread nature of the problems uncovered at Los Alamos, I intend to open management of Los Alamos to full competition when the current contract expires."
Abraham's decision was made public on April 30, 2003 in a press release stating, "DOE intends to compete Los Alamos National Laboratory management and operations contract upon completion of current University of California contract in 2005."
The Payoff
UC, National Laboratories in Forefront of Post-9/11 Research
Who Gains from Missing Data at Los Alamos? - The University of Texas Moves to Take Over Los Alamos - The Hunt Family of Texas has immense influence over UT:
Who Gains from Missing Data at Los Alamos?
A security breach at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico last week is another setback for the University of California's management of the nuclear weapons facility. The identity of the culprits is still not known. But we do know that the public relations damage to the university will likely decrease its chances of retaining control of the lab, while increasing the odds for the University of Texas and several companies announcing this week their intent to bid on the lab's management contract.
Los Alamos and the 9/11 Truth Movement's Allegations:
Passenger Calls from Flight 93: " ... Their voices had been cloned by the Los Alamos laboratories and used to make fake calls to their relatives. ... ",,2006831,00.html
Nico Haupt: On February 28th, 2001, Los Alamos entered into a support contract with Nuclear Solutions, who merged last year with RTS.
As learned, secretly hidden in some business news, 911-Insider trader suspect, former FBI agent Derrick M Cleveland, sold some stocks of Nuclear Solutions Inc. shortly after the Sep11th- attack, a company which is connected with Los Alamos.
In May 2002, Cleveland was arrested together with other 2 FBI agents Jeffrey A. Royer and Lynn Wingate, who had been accused of having prior knowledge on the Sep11th attack. All three suspects worked together with Amr Elgindy, which brother Khaled Elgindy works at the White House connected Arab-American Institute.
Royer was free on bail for only on day on June 18th, 2002, when he was able to meet his girlfriend Christy Sarkey (an ex-support staffer in the Oklahoma City FBI office), which was not allowed.
Los Alamos was also on the anthrax-suspect list, which was compiled by Barbara Rosenberg of the FAS.
The first anthrax victim was Bob Stevens from the America Media Building in Boca Raton, which is only 1 block away from the Pit Plant (Product Ingredient Technology), which was just also Shrub-ed from the official Iraq-WMD-supplier list. (picture of map)
As investigative reporter Tom Flocco found out, not only this company, but a huge list of other US-companies was removed silently from the list.
"...However, CONCEALING AN IRAQI CHEMICAL WEAPONS PLANT IN FLORIDA becomes even more outrageous when one considers that a confidential May 31, 1990 billing statement links lawyers from former Bush 41 Secretary of State James Baker,s Houston law firm Baker & Botts to telephone conferences, the drawing up of enzyme contracts, and holding secret formulas connected to another lawyer from Iraqi terrorist Ihsan Barbouti,s main Houston office of his Boca Raton chemical company..."
(Baker Botts also represents Aramark, which was just tied to Bin Laden's brother in law Khalid bin Mahfouz. Other clients of Baker Botts are BP, ExxonMobil, Conoco or Enterprise Oil but also Boeing or Novartis.
BakerBotts has also a strategic alliance with Afridi & Angell, a law firm of Nicholas B. Angell, with offices in U.A.E. at Abu Dhabi, Dubai (->) and Sharjah, as well as in Islamabad, Pakistan. )
As ABC-Nightline reported already in 1991, Iraqi's Barbouti invested also in 2 other US companies:
TK-7 of Oklahoma City, which makes a fuel additive; Pipeline Recovery Systems of Dallas, which makes an anti-corrosive chemical that preserves pipes. The third one was Prodcut Ingredient Technology (PIT) of Boca Raton, which makes food flavorings
Some reports claimed, that Dr. Barbouti and PIT developed a cyanide called Prussian Blue and exported it to Iraq, one year before the first gulf war started.
Los Alamos was officially involved in Desert Storm, as an advisor, "using ozone to mitigate the threat of biological weapons".
But Alamos was also, together with the Lawrence Livermore National Labor, still testing nuclear devices in the desert of Nevada.
More disturbingly, both institutes are also on the supplier list to Iraq, which was first reported by Geneva-based reporter Andreas Zumach at the end of last year.
He said, that also the U.S. Departments of Energy, Defense, Commerce, and Agriculture quietly helped arm Iraq.
Furthermore U.S. government nuclear weapons laboratories Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia trained traveling Iraqi nuclear scientists and gave non-fissile material for construction of a nuclear bomb.
Dr. Ruth David, President of Sandia (and former Director for Science and Technology at the CIA) initiated also ANSER's Homeland Defense (->) Strategic Thrust in 1998/99, which became already in 1999 the Institute for Homeland Security, almost unknown by the public.
Sandia is one of the institutes, which is working on new thermo-nuclear or microwave weapons.
From 1991 to 1994, Dr. David was Director of the Development Testing Center that developed and operated a broad spectrum of full-scale engineering test facilities.
Together with Jay C Davis, also ANSER, they later developed thermobarics, a bomb system which can pulverise huge skyscrapers and human mankind.
Davis was formerly director of the Livermore LLNL/UC Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and the founding Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency/ DTRA of the United States Department of Defense.
In the 1970's, he was principal scientist and project manager for the design and construction of the Rotating Target Neutron Source-II Project, building the most intense 14 MeV neutron sources in existence, used for nine years by the US and Japan for fusion materials testing.
---For music fans only: One of the members of the Laser Advisory Board at Lawrence is Jeff Baxter, former Steely Dan and Doobie Brothers.
Miriam E.John, another ANSER executive, is also Vice President of Sandia's California Division. (->)
At least 3 other ANSER executives worked also for the CIA or still have ties to the Intelligence Agency or the Pentagon.
One example is H.B. Zachry, who also held several positions leading to his appointment as Manager of the Command and Service Module in the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office.
Another is Dr. Mignogna:
He has served on high-level Air Force and DOD study efforts such as the Strategic Bomber Penetration Assessment Group and the Strategic Penetration Technology.
Mignogna is an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at the American University and a member of the AIAA Weapon Systems Effectiveness Technical Committee.
Dr. John Gannon, who works at ANSERs Homeland Security, served as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council (1997-2001) after serving for two years (1995-1997) as the Deputy Director for Intelligence, CIA.
How much do Sandia and Los Alamos really have to hide?
Last year it was revealed, that not only equipment, but also sensitive computer data was stolen at Los Alamos, including complete missing computers and radio devices.
In November 2002, two individuals were fired at Los Alamos National Laboratories. One of the individuals, Glenn Walp authored a memo that ultimately drew extensive media and Congressional attention to the missing stuff. (Project on Government Oversight)
Infiltration of the Truth Movement:
" ... former director David Kubiak, who happens to work also on a Cold Fusion Project in Japan, together with Los Alamos associate Russ George. ... "
"Steven Jones is CIA" (Jones is from Los Alamos)
Quotes "The War Against Cold Fusion - What's really behind it?"
Hal Plotkin, Special to SF Gate Monday, May 17, 1999
Who is really funding the secret head of the 9/11 Truth Movement? Los Alamos??
March 24, 2006
Eventually, though, "when truth and justice are done," says David Kubiak, the University of Utah will bask in the glory of its association with cold fusion. Kubiak is communications director of D2Fusion of Foster City, Calif., and Los Alamos, N.M., which will be hosting Fleischmann and is setting up a lab using his "recipe."...
Feature Article, October 20, 2005
... "Russ George, whose father worked on the Manhattan Project, is one such researcher. After cobbling-together his garage experiment, he went on to invite himself to all the major laboratories pursuing cold-fusion research. They included SRI International, where a coalition of electric utilities financed experiments; Los Alamos National Laboratory, the birthplace of the atomic bomb; the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, which partnered with the Naval Air Warfare Center, and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center for 10 years of cold-fusion research.......
(Kubiak and George know each other since years, also via PLANKTOS )