When NBC didn't support Bush's orchestrated world war, there was Newt to drum up public support for the prolongation of genocidal war profits by lying through his teeth with a fog bank of disingenuous jingoism pulled directly from his obese right-wing ass

Alex ConstantineFounder, Constantine Report
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Murdered Iraqi Civilians Archive

The Iraqi Civilian Body Count

http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m22858&l=i&size=1&hd=0 April 25, 2006 Dear Editor, In "Dead Reckoning: Counting Iraq's Civilian Dead" (By Adam Shemp
  • Comments

    Do these numbers factor in the deaths from the 16 year Iraqi medical blockade by the criminal elements in the US gov't? No and also Les Roberts found on his initial medical surveys that fatalities were much, much higher than what Iraq Body Count was reporting.

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