By Eric Brothers | January 3, 2011 A marketing campaign was undertaken to isolate German Jews from the community. Children were targeted for
" ... Ashley was used as the subject of unethical human experimentation, a concern heightened by the doctors’ acknowledgment that Ashley’s Treatment 'i
Damian Thompson | Telegraph | June 21st, 2010 The current issue of The Economist carries an article marking the 10th anniversary of the mapping of the huma
Edwin Black | The Cutting Edge | June 14, 2010 California eugenics has a direct link to Nazi Germany’s war of extermination against Jews and all other Eu
By Andy Dworkin | The Oregonian | April 21, 2010 Heath Buckmaster has a low chance of having restless leg syndrome, average likelihood for cluster headache
By BRIAN BURNES | The Kansas City Star | Mar. 13, 2010 An exhibition on the eugenics movement of the early 20th century opens Tuesday at the National Arc
Has South Carolina Learned Nothing from War Against the Weak? By Adina Gewirtz | The Cutting Edge | February 8th 2010 S.C. Lt. Gov.Andre Bauer Silver Spri
By Caleb Williams, Staff Writerwww.thevistaonline.comApril 30, 2009The Nazi euthanasia programs, which used starvation, gas chambers and Phenobarbital over
Bioethicist Jacob M. Appel puts me in mind of David Lynch for some reason, particularly when he asks:WHY DENY THE DEPRESSED THEIR RIGHT TO SUICIDE?www.bioe
"Oregon was part of a nationwide movement of forced sterilization of men and women beginning in the early 1900s through as late as 1971. If you were on any
By Alex Constantine The Power of the Bill Moyers Myth - Who will Tell Amy Goodman? On PBS, Moyers promotes the work of the late fascist eugenicist Joseph
From: "This War is for Us," By: Pasko, Ariel Natan, September 06, 2008" ... Out of nowhere, with the rope around his neck, Julius Schtreich Canadian War Museum announced the opening of the special exhibition, Deadly Medicine: Cr
Gillian Russom reviews Joseph Nevins' new book that traces why so many Mexicans make the journey across the border and why it is so dangerous.August 21, 20