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Racism = Bullying

Alex Constantine - July 6, 2010

Bullying and racism
including racial harassment and racial discrimination

bullying1 03 01 03 - Racism = BullyingThe UK Parliament passed the Race Relations Act in 1976 but nearly a quarter of a century on, racism in the UK is still prevalent. Following the Stephen Lawrence inquiry, attitudes within London's Metropolitan Police have been described as "institutionalised racism".

A recent report Equality and Fairness in the Fire Service by Graham Meldrum, the service's chief inspector, highlighted the institutionalised nature of racism and sexism within the UK Fire Service. Criticising the leadership style and culture within the fire service, the in-depth review of equality and fairness was prompted by the serious under-representation of women and ethnic minorities. There was also widespread evidence of sexism and homophobia.

In October 1999, racism and bullying were in the news again as Ford Motor Company workers at Dagenham, England, were threatening strike action amidst growing claims of racially-motivated bullying and harassment which the workforce and unions allege were not being dealt with by Ford management. US Ford Motor Company chief executive Jacques Nasser flew in to answer union criticisms of institutionalised racism. In September 2000, Ford Motor Company UK recruited Surinder Sharma, former head of equality and diversity at Littlewoods Home Shopping Group and a regular speaker at conferences on the progress Littlewoods have made with their anti-bullying policy, as Ford's European diversity director. Ford also recruited former TUC equal rights policy officer Kamaljeet Jandu as Ford UK national diversity manager.

Bully OnLine, a gold mine of insight and information on bullying, harassment and discrimination, b bullying as the main behaviour behind racism, and exposes the principal perpetrator, the serial bully. Everyone, whether subject to racial harassment or not, knows at least one person in their life with the profile of the serial bully. Click here to see ... who has this behaviour profile in your life?

Have a look through this web site to recognise the bullies and racists in your life ... start with Am I being bullied? then move on to What is bullying? To find out what you can do about bullying, click Action to tackle bullying. Have a look at the profile of the serial bully which is common to harassers, racists, stalkers, rapists, violent partners, abusers, paedophiles, etc.

If bullying, harassment, discrimination and prejudice have resulted in injury to health, commonly called "stress", see the page on injury to health and the one on the psychiatric injury of trauma, a collection of symptoms congruent with the diagnostic criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD.

Where now at Related Issues?
Violence, rage, abuse, discrimination and issues related to bullying
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Bullying by neighbours | Bullying by landlords
Bullying by the church | Bullying and cults | Bullying and prisons
Bullying and whistleblowing | Bullying and stammering
Bullying and age discrimination | Bullying and long hours
Bullying and minorities | Bullying of gays and lesbians
Transsexuals and bullying | Bullying and disfigurement
Bullying and adoption | Bullying and eating disorders
Bullying and racism | Bullying because you're seen as overweight or fat
The cost of drugs and alcohol at work | Corporate bullying and fad-speak
Working from home | Management consultants
Bullying and business ethics | Toxic management | Bullying and fat cats
Bullying and call centres | Bullying and snooping
Cyberbullying, emails and the Internet
Abusive telephone calls | Bullying and mobile phones
Health and safety | The welfare officer
Domestic violence | A serial bully in the family | Female violence
Bullying and anger | Road rage, office rage | Verbal violence
Violence | Gun violence | Spree killings
Bullying and abuse | Sexual abuse | Drug rape | Stalking
Bullying in the movies | Trauma and the paranormal

Home Pages
The Field Foundation
| Bully OnLine
Workplace bullying | School bullying | Family bullying
Bullying news | Bullying case histories
Bullying resources | Press and media centre
Stress, PTSD and psychiatric injury
Action to tackle bullying | Related issues

Success Unlimited
Books on bullying and related issues
