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New Zealand Controversial Cult Book a Best Seller

Alex Constantine - May 1, 2009


A new book about the leader of a controversial West Coast religious cult has shot to the top of the New Zealand book bestseller list.

Publishers Longacre Press said today it had ordered a second print run of The Sins of The Father, written by Phil Cooper, about his father Gloriavale Christian Community leader Hopeful Christian.

Phil Cooper portrays his father – formerly Neville Cooper – as a controlling, manipulative, sexual deviant.

Longacre publishing director Barbara Larson said the book went to the top of the bestseller list after only two days and they had ordered a reprint because the first run had nearly sold out.

Although she had expected big interest in the book, she did not expect to reorder this soon.

"Interest seems fairly widespread, and there's real interest on the West Coast."

The book was temporarily pulled from the shelves at The Warehouse in Greymouth last week, after staff were approached by cult members.

Paper Plus in Greymouth has only been selling it on demand from under the counter.

The Warehouse confirmed today its Greymouth store had sold out, while Take Note said it was "selling truckloads" and was on its fourth order

Paper Plus would only say that sales were "steady".
