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Mind Control Profile of Covina’s Homicidal Santa Claus

Alex Constantine - December 26, 2008

alg plan 300x195 - Mind Control Profile of Covina's Homicidal Santa ClausNPR reports that Pardo has no criminal record, and he was a church usher. Students of EM mind control technology will know what to make of his employment history.


From the Los Angeles Times ...

" ... Other details about [Bruce Jeffrey] Pardo also emerged today. According to his divorce papers, he was fired in July from his job as a software engineer at ITT, a defense contractor in Van Nuys. A spokesman said Pardo worked in the air and surface surveillance radar division for three years, but declined to say whether he left of his own accord or was fired.

"Another source said he had once worked at Northrop Grumman Corp. and that he had claimed on his company profile that he had a master's degree from USC. But the source said that although he had been enrolled there, he never received the degree.

"Investigators said the shooting likely had been planned over a period of several months. ... "


" ... LEAA [the now-defunct Law Enforcement Assistance Administration] also subsidized the research and development of gadgets and techniques
useful to behavior modification. Much of the technology, whose perfection LEAA funded, had originally been developed and made operational for use in the Vietnam War. Companies like Bangor Punta Corporation and Walter Kidde and Co., through its subsidiary Globe Security System, adapted these devices to domestic use in the U.S. ITT was another company that domesticated the warfare technology for potential use on U.S. citizens. Rand Corporation executive Paul Baran warned that the influx back to the United State of the Vietnam War surveillance gadgets alone, not to mention the behavior modification hardware, could bring about "the most effective, oppressive police state ever created" ...
From the ITT, Van Nuys web site:

"ITT is a major supplier of sophisticated military defense systems and provides advanced technical and operational services to a broad range of government agencies."

DARPA Connections.

Christopher C. Bernhardt
President, ITT Electronic Systems

Christopher C. Bernhardt is the President of ITT Electronic Systems - a leading supplier of integrated electronic warfare, radar, force protection, under sea warfare, reconnaissance and surveillance.... Mr. Bernhardt previously served in executive leadership positions with General Electric Aerospace & Defense as Director, Business Development & Advanced Systems; Smiths Industries as VP, Business Development & Program Operations; Allied Signal as VP & General Manager, Guidance & Controls Systems; Litton Industries as President, Data and C3 Systems; and Stellex Technologies as Chairman, President and CEO. ...

David F. Melcher
David Melcher, President, ITT Defense Electronic & Services
Vice President, ITT Corporation

Melcher joined ITT following 32 years of distinguished service in the United States Army. ... He served as the Army’s Military Deputy for Budget and Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs in the Pentagon, and as Commander of the Corps of Engineers – Southwestern Division in Dallas, Texas. ...

He is a former White House Fellow and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the White House Fellowship Association.


David J. Albritton
Vice President, Communications
ITT Defense Electronics & Services

Prior to joining ITT in November 2008, Albritton was Director of Media Relations on the Corporate Public Relations team at Raytheon Company. ... Early in his career, Albritton spent 10 years as an officer in the U.S. Navy, which included service aboard USS PORTLAND (LSD 37) during Desert Shield/Desert Storm.