Alex Constantine - June 25, 2007
"Faith-based" is cover for the organized theft of federal funds by "conservative" (ie. fascist) political forces operating under religious cover. The Department of Health and Human Services has been headed by "faith-based" radicals since Bush took office, and has been heavily hit by fraudulent health care programs designed to siphon public coffers.
Like Halliburton or a host of other contractors tied to the Bush administration, Humana and other recipients of "faith-based" funds are vastly over-charging for their "services." To keep costs down, they have taken on marginal employees, some with criminal records, to bilk the government.
The issue here is not merely anti-Constitutional religious cohesion with government, but of organized criminals in "conservative" guise flagrantly *stealing* federal revenue.
- AC
Court Bars Suits Against Faith-Based Initiatives
By William Branigin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, June 25, 2007; 4:40 PM
The Supreme Court today handed President Bush's faith-based initiatives program a victory, ruling that federal taxpayers cannot challenge the constitutionality of the White House's efforts to help religious groups obtain government funding for their social programs.
In a 5-4 decision, the court blocked a lawsuit by a Wisconsin-based group of atheists and agnostics against officials of the Bush administration, including the head of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. ...