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LA Times Conspiracy Theory

Over the years, I've noticed that "mainstream" media, with a sniff of superiority, misrepresent and ridicule anyone researching political conspiracies - bu

Blackwater Changes its Name to Xe

Xe (pronounced /ˈzi/, formerly Blackwater Worldwide & Blackwater USA), is a private military company founded in 1997 by Erik Prince and Al Clark. In Octob

Joe Kennedy’s Hollywood Years

Joseph P. Kennedy Presents, by Cari Beauchamp Review by Martin Rubin The SF Chronicle/www.sfgate.com/February 15, 2009 Review - Joseph P. Kennedy Pres

Flight 3407 Crash ICE?

Edited by Alex Constantine"Ice accumulation," repeated ad nauseum by the media as cause of the Flight 3407 crash, doesn't hold up so well under scrutiny ..

Greg Jarrett’s Private Idaho

Edited by Alex ConstantineGreg Jarrett – Liar Or Uninformed?Reported by Priscilla - June 15, 2008News HoundsYesterday (June 14th), on the Saturday editio

Nazi Collaborator Alfred P. Sloan

Edited by Alex Constantine" ... brought to you by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ... " - Daily advert heard on National "Public" Radio•••Alfred Pritc