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Arizona Sheriff hasn't Turned over Records in Probe

Alex Constantine - August 20, 2010

(AP) – 2 days ago 

arpaio underwear - Arizona Sheriff hasn't Turned over Records in ProbePHOENIX — An Arizona sheriff's office says it hasn't turned over records the U.S. Department of Justice is requesting as part of a civil rights investigation.

The Justice Department has threatened to sue the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office if it didn't hand over the records by Tuesday.

Robert Driscoll, a lawyer for Sheriff Joe Arpaio, said Tuesday he doesn't expect such a lawsuit to be filed before he meets next week with Justice Department officials.

The department is investigating Arpaio's office for alleged discrimination, unconstitutional searches and seizures, and having English-only policies in his jails that discriminates against people with limited English skills.

Arpaio believes the inquiry is focused on his immigration efforts in the Phoenix area.