Photo: Newspaper shows Antonio González Pacheco - nicknamed Billy the Kid - competing in city's half-marathon in 2010 October 8, 2013 A man alleged to be
" ... When the Nazis ran, many of them ran to Spain. They called it Das Trampolin because from here they were sprung across to South American friendlies. Y
Leon de Degrelle, chief of the Belgian Rexist party, making a speech at a huge Brussels gathering of fans, on July 11, 1938. (AP Photo) Huff Post World, No
Nazi Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, SA Brigadier Gen. Franz Ritter von Epp and Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler attend Reichs Veterans Day at Kassel, German
" ... The Spanish Civil War served as a dress rehearsal for World War II, for the European fascist forces and the destruction of the Spanish Republic was t
Old Guard Nazis attending Otto "Scarface" Skorzeny's wake (some skeptical observers said that his death was faked by the CIA) sang a fascist Spanish Ci
By Alberto Bullrich The Comment Factory | September 29, 2010 Falange Española de las J.O.N.S. (or its full title: Falange Española Tradicionalista y de l
Spain's Costa Blanca provided a safe haven for many Nazis, allowing them to enjoy a retirement without regret or atonement Martyn Richard Jones The Guardia
General Franco Gave List of Spanish Jews to Nazis Giles Tremlett | | 20 June 2010 General Franco It was the list that would have sent thous
The Fourth Reich Olive Press APRIL 20, 2009 Otto Remer With Hitler’s 120th birthday this week,
"... I told Himmler (the head of the Nazi SS) when he visited the Mauthausen quarry on 27 April, 1941, what a great couple the (Nazis) made with the Church
Spain’s murky past: the Nazis who sought refuge in the sun Norwegian Nazi who
" ... After a further three months in prison and being stripped of his Norwegian citizenship for ten years, Mr Jensen went on to enjoy a fruitful career in