" ... Egyptians ... look at the Muslim Brotherhood as a puppet of the CIA [and] British intelligence. ... " The family of ousted Egyptian President Moham
Caveat: Most of the biographical details of this story are correct, but the author attempts to use them to cast Nazi aspersions on Muslims in general, esp
By Sarah Posner | Religion Dispatches | March 8, 2011 Sarah Posner, author of God’s Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters,
Also see: "The CIA, an American Pinay Circle & the Muslim Brotherhood" " ... Since the 1950s, the United States has secretly struck up alliances with t
" ... It’s all ultimately supposed to be for the Cold War cause, but Loftus raises more sinister motives. These include a frenetic effort by powerful US
" ... The CIA funded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1977, and trained Mujahadin to support Hekmatyar of the Brotherhood in Afghanistan. The Muslim Brothers have
ANSAmed emg.rs | February 4, 2011 Suleiman specified that "the foreign Countries, the Muslim brothers movement and other Egyptian parties have their own
" ... Another compelling tale is the story of the CIA funnelling captured German members of the Nazi SS and Gestapo into programs to train Egyptian secur
Mark Lynch in Foreign Affairs: " ... Many of the valuable debates that The Flight of the Intellectuals could have sparked are drowned out by Berman's lu
By Alex Constantine The press is devoting a modicum of attention to author Ian Johnson, as NPR reported on June 5, for discovering CIA/Nazi ties to the Mu