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Ernst Roehm" ... these brown shirts became synonymous with their wearers; even today in Germany, to be 'brown' is to be disturbingly Right-wing. ... "www.e

Hitler & the Mormon Church

http://www.utlm.org/onlineresources/hitlertemplework.htmThe Mormon Church Attempts to Conceal Temple Records for Adolf HitlerBy Helen RadkeyOn August 30, 1

Hitler’s Bible

by Jim Walker 08 May 2001 additions: 03 June 2006 This article presents the actual note page from which Hitler uses the Bible as the monumental history of

‘Hitler Didn’t Escape’

28/06/2008www.news24.comMoscow - The Russian Centre for Forensic Medicine issued an unusual denial on Saturday, saying German dictator Adolf Hitler didn't

Note on the Pope and Hitler

The truth about the Pope and Hitler Guardian May 11, 2008 "News that Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminster, hopes to attend the launc