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US Oil Espionage in Venezuela

" ... Bases of AUC (The United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia) are set up in Venezuela's oil-rich provinces in contact with the CIA. The paramilitary grou

Gerhard Wessel Obit.

German Espionage Chief Wessel Dies By Associated Press July 31, 2002, 4:18 PM EDT BERLIN -- Gerhard Wessel, a former official in Hitler's anti-Soviet spy

German Spies of WWII

www.carpenoctem.tv/World War II had been over scarcely a week when a U.S. Army DC-3 touched down outside of Washington, D.C., ferrying a top-secret German

The New Spies

When the Cold War ended, it didn't spell curtains for the secret agent. Private espionage is a booming industry and environmental protest groups are its pr

RCMP Spied on John Lennon in 1969

RCMP spies kept watch on John Lennon in 1969 Canadian Press, July 22, 2007 OTTAWA -- Spies from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police kept close watch on Bea