Also see: Banghazi attack archive " ... The CIA had mobilized Islamic fundamentalists, including veterans of the Al Qaeda and Taliban war in Afghanistan .
Right: Abdullah al-Senussi, Muammar Gaddafi's mass murdering security chief -- the CIA's main man in Libya? Robert Fisk investigates an alleged double st
Also see: The Broadwell Revelation Reminds Us How The CIA Annex In Benghazi Was Exposed Hillary Clinton Dodges Question About Covert Arms Shipments From
" ... Although it has been known that Western intelligence services began cooperating with Libya after it abandoned its program to build unconventional wea
By Dana Milbank The Columbian, October 13, 2012 When House Republicans called a hearing in the middle of their long recess, you knew it would be something
" ... Rarely has a defector received such red-carpet treatment. I can only assume it is for services rendered to his U.S. and British masters over the year
An interview with Abayomi Azikiwi, Editor of Pan-African News Wire, from Detroit, MI. Press TV | April 1, 2011 PThe CIA and British Special Forces are sec
" ... This information is available to anyone who conducts even a cursory Internet search, but it has not been reported by the corporate-controlled media i