By CARLA KING Irish Times | February 12, 2011 BIOGRAPHY: Wolfram: The Boy Who Went to War, by Giles Milton Sceptre, 335pp. £18.99 WHEN WE THINK about vict
" ... Many of the leading socialist newspapers of the time, especially the Munich Post, specifically aimed its attention to Hitler. Their open opposition a
“ ... 'There’s smart secrecy and stupid secrecy, and this whole episode sounds like stupid secrecy,' said Gabriel Schoenfeld of the Hudson Institute, a
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Posted by bettenoir AlterNet | August 3, 2010 Dove World Outreach Center ... Dove World Outreach is the touchy-feely facade for a suspiciously “for-profi
A brief history of book burning in America In the late 19th century, a former U.S. postal inspector Anthony Comstock appointed hi
Wikinews | August 7, 2010 A Gainesville, Florida church named the Dove World Outreach Center has drawn international attention to itself with its planned b
" ... Norwood, a serious historian who co-edited The Encyclopedia of American Jewish History, is anything but hysterical. The examples cited by Norwood ar
by: Joe Martin | Real Change Newsletter, Vol: 17 No: 8 February 17, 2010 BOOK REVIEW: Heidegger: The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy in Light of th
Edited by Alex Constantine Trailer of Cinema's Exiles. Film exclusive: Exodus to Hollywood. As Hitler expands his territory in Europe, more and more of Ge