After our 11Alive Investigators report, the organization that put the corporations and lawmakers together at a Savannah resort is responding. WXIA June
Common Cause and the Center for Media and Democracy sent federal authorities new evidence today that the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is f
With a series of four nearly identical op-ed articles written by one of its front groups and published in western newspapers last week, the oil industry an
The Republican-run Legislature is poised to pass and Gov. Scott Walker has promised to sign a fast-tracked bill that would turn Wisconsin into a right-t
BY MRDAVEYD99 GoldenUndergroundTV recently released an interview I did with them late last year. I got a bit animated at the end. Only so many intervie
Did ALEC Found State Policy Network? 1991 Report Suggests So, Exposes SPN Agenda December 12, 2013 The Madison Group, the predecessor to the State Polic
The religious right in the US backs GOP climate change denial because science also supports evolution against creationism By Katherine Stewart The Guardian
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